In browsing through Brian Edwards's research files we came across this gem extracted from A Tapestry of Life by Dorothy A. Trott, former Principal of Dore & Totley High School.
The rather ugly row of workman's dwellings on Totley Rise had been constructed to house the Irish navvies recruited to build the Dore and Chinley Railway Tunnel, in 1897. The residents thought them an eyesore, but were promised that they would be demolished when no longer required. However, it was not to be, and they are still in use, ninety years later.
Converted into small shops and artisans' dwellings, the bottom one housed the local newsagent, Mrs. Theaker.
She always appeared to be very angry and swore violently if we lingered around her shop longer than was necessary to buy a pennyworth of sweets, but we lived in hope of catching a glimpse or a sound of the brown horse she kept in her cellar. Some had seen it, some had not and on rare occasions, she let it out and harnessed it to the little trap she kept in her back garden.
Fortunately, our limited vocabulary was not impaired by Mrs. Theaker, for we neither understood nor remembered the terrible oaths she spat at us, but our parents warned us not to go near the shop.
The only newsagent for some miles, Mrs. Theaker made a lot of money, retired to a bungalow in Skegness and our Mrs. Bainbridge took over the prosperous little shop.