Samuel Hill - Totley Clock-maker
Samuel Hill is recorded as working in Totley from 1770. He was baptized at Dronfield on 30 March 1746, the son of Godfry Hill.
Samuel would have served his apprenticeship c. 1760-1767, although to whom is not recorded although his taste for round dial clocks suggests that it was with an East Derbyshire or Nottinghamshire maker. He was the maker of both brass and painted dialed clocks invariably with no date feature.
He married Ann Dalton, the daughter of Edward Dalton of Totley Bents, at St. John the Baptist, Dronfield on 15 November 1761 and settled in Totley (then in Derbyshire) before moving to Sheffield around 1780 where he worked until around 1814.
Long-case clock by Samuel Hill of Totley, circa 1770
In Sheffield, Samuel Hill lived and worked at what is now known as 114 Broad Lane. He was recorded as living there in Gale & Martin's Directory of Sheffield, published in 1787.
Extract from Gale & Martin's Directory, 1787
Saturday 5 October 1872 Sheffield Independent (page 7)
Extract from letter headed "Old Sheffield. Personal Recollections of Broad Lane and Its Vicinity". Dated Sheffield Sept. 28th 1872. and signed "S.E."
A few yards from "Red hill", down Broad lane, there is a blank space enclosed with a high and substantial wall. Few persons of the present generation will be aware of that spot having been a "Cemetery." At the commencement of this century it was the only Quakers' burial ground in the town; though they had several places in the country. I myself have seen two persons interred in this plot, both of them adult females. The next building below was a large and respectable house, with a "clock" in the front of it. This was the residence of Mr. Samuel Hill, who was much celebrated in his day for his proficiency in clock making and repairing. Many of his clocks may still be seen in the town, but more especially in the neighbouring villages, with his name on the face. He was a tall man, wearing a broad-brimmed hat, long coat, with breeches and leggings. He kept a stout pony on which he took his rounds in the country, with his case of tools; and at their own houses cleaned and repaired the clocks of the farmers and villagers. He was a respectable man, and very widely and generally esteemed.
114 Broad Lane, Sheffield
Saturday 19 October 1844 Sheffield Independent (page 4) [Extract]
Sales by Bardwell and Sons.
Freehold and Leasehold Dwelling-Houses, Retail Shops, Grinding Wheel, Manufactories, Land, And other Valuable Property, in the Parish of Sheffield, and at Skyers Moor, near Barnsley.
To be Sold by Auction, By Messrs T.N. Bardwell & Sons, At their Auction Mart, High-street, Sheffield, On Wednesday, the Twentieth day of November, 1844 at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, free from duty, and subject to conditions to be then produced, the undermentioned valuable Estates, in the following, or such other Lots, as may be agreed upon at the time of sale, viz:-
In Sheffield
Broad Lane
LOT 4. -The Freehold Messuage or Dwelling House, formerly occupied by Mr. Samuel Hill, Clock Maker, and for many years afterwards by Mr. Wm. Lister, situate on the north side of, and fronting to, Broad-lane, near Red-hill, in Sheffield, together with a Counting House, and extensive Warehouses and Workshops, well fitted up with Fixtures, Stable, and Conveniences, and an entire Yard, comprising in the whole 414 superficial square yards or thereabouts.
Rear Yard of 114 Broad Lane, Sheffield in 2011