Oldhay Dam

Extract from Totley Independent, July 1978


This dam belonged to a gentleman named Mr. J. Tyzack who had Avenue Farm but always had a housekeeper as he lived at Wood Lodge, Beauchief and drove up to the farm every day in a horse and trap. 


I was sorry to see the dam filled in, as in winter it was nice to see the skaters. The first one to come was a lady who lived in Broadstorth at the top of Old Hay Lane. She always came to ask if it was safe. She was a good skater, and often came in the morning when it wasn't so busy. She died about six years ago at the age of 100.


Another young man who wanted to learn - he lived in a big house, where the shops are now, opposite Mickley Lane - his father kept a gardener and he brought him up to try his luck. But he got into difficulty and fell in, they tried to get him out but the ice kept breaking. So the gardener called to my father, who was in the garden, "Bring the prop Levi", and that got him out.


Then there was another good skater, Mr. Charlie Coates, he lives in Lemont Road, he used to bring the Vicar of All Saints Church. I don't know his name, but they had some happy times together on the ice.


The dam is grassed over which looks very nice. There's one thing I miss most - that's the "dawn chorus" because I'm very deaf. I thought this would be something for your Independent, wishing you every success. Please excuse the writing as I shall be 88 this year.


I am yours faithfully

Mrs G. Dean
Old Hay

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