This is a true story of my life from when I was six years young, spent in what was a lovely village. There were persons of whom I like to think of as characters, not that they did anything deserving honours, but were typical of life in those days.
It was the year of 1916 and the Great War was in progress. This was very apparent in Totley as it was like a small garrison town. Soldiers came by the thousand to do their gunnery training on the rifle ranges, also wounded soldiers from the front line in France were brought to the field hospital (recreation ground fronting Cricket Inn) for treatment. St John's Hospital on Abbeydale Road (now postal sorting office) was the operating theatre for severe cases, and were then transferred to the field hospital on recovery. A Dr Dick Evans, a member of the American Consulate, was a frequent visitor to the sick bay at Totley Bents, where I understand he was able to offer his valuable expertise. I gathered most of this information from his daughter Cornelius, who at the age of seventy two came from America to visit the place and home of her birth, which happens to be where I have lived for fifty three years.
That was about ten years ago, and though we started corresponding, the letters ceased to come, but she was able to tell me a lot about her family. Apparently, when war was declared she was sent back to relations in America; her father and two brothers didn't go with her, she did not know why. The brother I remember was called Richard and, like a lot of the lads, was a real daredevil. It was not until her father and brothers returned to America that she was able to acquire the information on the hospitals. This was, of course, after the armistice.
The rifle ranges at that time were spaced at every hundred yards. At nine hundred yards, just inside the field, left hand side of Lane Head Road, they practised with the Gatling and Lewis machine guns, and of a Saturday and Sunday they were watched by many grown ups and we children. To us it was fantastic, but to the grown ups it must have been traumatic.