Tuesday 23rd January 1900 Sheffield Independent (page 8)
To The Editor
I thoroughly endorse the remarks of "Totley Resident" and hope ere long to see the tramways running into Totley village. The feeder of the main line traffic into the city would undoubtedly be very welcome so far as the revenue is concerned and all along the Abbeydale valley into Totley would be well patronised, and would be a competing line with the railway, with this advantage - that our intentions would be brought into the centre of the city and not, as at present half a mile from it. A great opportunity for revenue is now within the Councils grasp and will I trust, result in the extension suggested. Hoping shortly to see the line an accomplished fact. Yours truly, "PROGRESS", Sheffield January 19th 1900.
Friday 2nd February 1900 Sheffield Independent (page 8)
Ball at Totley.
The annual ball promoted by Mr. Marples of the Cross Scythes Totley was held on Tuesday evening in the large room adjoining the hotel. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather there was a large attendance. During the evening Mr. H. Kent Maples of Sheffield recited "The Absent-Minded Beggar" after which the hat was passed round and the sum of £3 was realised by the collection which will be forwarded to the Lord Mayor of Sheffield Reservists Fund the music for the dance was supplied by Mr. E. Flint's Orchestra.
Friday 30th March 1900 Sheffield Independent (page 8)
The conditions which have prevailed since last week have prevented any great number of rods being at work on the streams near our city. The Sheaf however has had a few patrons, and from the waters in the Totley locality some decent fish have been taken, though the numbers have not been very large. What with builders and railway contractors, this river will soon be unrecognisable to those who know it three decades ago, when it held good quantities of fine fish, and though the march of civilisation which results in large towns, dirty rivers and other concomitants is much belauded, it has a decidedly dark side to the lover of nature.
Saturday 14th July 1900 Sheffield Independent (page 9)
Sheffield and Hallam Photographic Society.
Dodges in printing was the Title which Mr. J. W, Mottershaw gave to his demonstration before the above society on Thursday evening last and in spite of the warm weather there was a fair number of members to hear him. Mr. Mottershaw illustrated several ways and means known to the photographic world as "Fakes" including some of his own inventions which might effectively be used in introducing light and shade into prints also that most important factor in the making of a picture, the insertion of clouds. He showed what could be done by the aid of matt varnish to prepare a negative for printing and obtain a good shadow, and then explained the process of "Blocking Out" The demonstration proved very instructing and the usual vote of thanks closed a pleasant evening Mr. Mottershaw was in the chair. Today the members journey to Eyam .
Wednesday 25th July 1900 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 5)
A Former Cherrytree Orphanage Pupil at the Front.
Mr. G. Jackson Smith, of Hazlewood, Ranmoor, Sheffield, favours us with a copy of a letter he has received from a former pupil in the Cherrytree Orphanage, who is now serving in the 66th Company of the Imperial Yeomanry in South Africa. The letter which with have special interest for the friends of the Orphanage is as follows:-
Winburg, June 24th 1900.
Dear Mr. Smith - No doubt you will be surprised at not hearing from me before now, but I was determined I would not write to you until I could tell you the news that I have been in action, but I expect you will have read about it in the papers long before you receive this letter.
We started from Winburg on the 21st along with another company of yeomanry (Wilts.), and a number of mounted infantry to escort a large convoy to Senekal, a distance of about forty miles, but on the morning of the 22nd we met General Clements' force with an empty convoy coming back from Senekal, who ordered us back, as a large body of Boers was in the surrounding hills with several guns, and our escort was not large enough to tackle them. On the 23rd both convoys were to proceed to Winburg, so we got from beneath our frost-covered blankets at 4 a.m., had breakfast at 5 a.m., and set off to see if was safe for the convoy to move. Well, we hadn't got above half a mile from camp when we saw a large shell burst just over it and after that about a dozen more bursts right into it, killing several horses, one man and injuring nine more. Then the Boers must have seen us, for a shell just missed my company by a few yards, which made us move a lot quicker to reach a little less elevated ground about a mile away. It was the hottest mile I ever travelled; bullets were whistling around us like hail, and when we dismounted we were only about five or six hundred yards from the enemy. I will own that I felt a bit shaky at first, but when the order came to blaze away at them, all fear went. My only thought was to give it them as hot as we got it, which, I think, we did, for we made their position a bit too hot and they retreated to the hills after about two hours' fighting.
The Yorkshires had four men wounded and several horses. I found a bullet hole through my great coat this morning, rather a near shave. We have now got the convoys safe, and with a larger force and a few guns we are setting off to give them a d----d good hiding, so I shall have more news to tell you next time I write. So now I shall have to finish off, as I have some work to do - Believe me to remain, yours truly. Horace Ford.
Saturday, 1 September 1900 Derbyshire Courier (page 8)
At their Estate Sale Rooms, High street, Sheffield, Messrs. Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings offered for sale on Tuesday afternoon nine freehold cottages, with file-cutter's shop and stable adjoining, situate at Summer's Lane, Totley. This property, which consists of 1,022 square yards, producing an annual rental of £54 4s.,was sold for £600. Mr. J.C. Auty was the solicitor.
Saturday 15th September 1900 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 5)
Bagshawe - Attwood - September 12th 1900 at St. Mary's Church, Sheffield. John Roberts Bagshawe only son of Mr. J. Bagshawe Victoria Road, Totley Rise to Mary Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Charles Attwood 174 Edmund Road, Sheffield.
Saturday 13th October 1900 Sheffield Independent (page 8)
Sheffield and Hallam Photographic Society.
Enlarging by acetylene was the subject of a demonstration given by Mr. F. Mottershaw to the members of this society on Thursday evening last Mr. Cunningham presided. The demonstration commenced by showing the methods employed in daylight enlarging through the camera, and then went on to the artificial light acetylene. After fully explaining the generator he was using (The Incanto) he proceeded to make enlargements from negatives taken at the Paris Exhibition and these were very successful. Mr. Mottershaw also exhibited and explained the Alladin acetylene lamp. At the close of the demonstration a number of coloured slides of the Paris Exhibition lent by the Sheffield Photographic Co. were placed through the lantern. A hearty vote of thanks to the demonstrator closed a very pleasant evening.
Friday 19th October 1900 Sheffield Independent (page 1)
Horse sale at Totley.
Mr Robert Lowe will hold his ½ yearly sale of horses at Mrs. Greens Hotel (Fleur de Lys Totley) This day when about 40 useful draught nags and young horses will be sold by Auction. Particulars of which have been previously advertised. Horses should be in the sale yard not later than 12 o'clock to be numbered and catalogued.
Entries taken up to time of sale entrance fee 2s 6d.
Tuesday 6th November 1900 Sheffield Independent (page 10)
The completion of the competition for the recruits prizes took place at the Totley range on Saturday afternoon in a dull and bad light. The entries this year are the best in the history of the battalion, and the shooting shows considerable improvement over last year. Prize winners:-
Private B. Barber Cyclist Company 34 - Private G. Mackley Cyclist Company 31 - Private C. Morton F Company 30 - Lance-Corporal J. W. Stobbs, D Company 29 - Private A Danks, G Company 29 - Private R.O. Shepherd B Company 29 - Private B. Machin A Company 29 - Lieutenant Addison D. Company 29 - Lance-Corporal A. E. Unwin, B. Company 28.
Hay Volley Firing Trophy
This competition was completed on Saturday afternoon at Totley. Teams one Sergeant and seven men, five volleys, kneeling, at 500 yard. The final round of the Hutton Competition will take place on Saturday next when F.C. and the Cyclist Company will shoot off for the prize. The battalion prize shooting will be held on Monday next.
Thursday 22nd November 1900 Sheffield Independent (page 6 )
OBITUARY : Mr. Edwin Dawson,
The death is announced of Mr. Edwin Dawson, which occurred at his residence, Totley Rise, on November 15th after a long illness, at the age of 78 yrs. Mr. Dawson who formerly lived at Brincliffe Edge, was highly esteemed by all who knew him, and those whose good fortune it was to know him best loved him most. His chief delight was music, both vocal and instrumental and amongst his musical friends his death will leave a gap which will never by filled. Quiet and unostentatious charity was one of his characteristics, and it was always so delicately done that the recipient might feel he was conferring a favour by accepting it. If ever an altruist lived that man was Edwin Dawson. He leaves a widow one daughter and two sons. The interment took place at Ecclesall Church yesterday. The floral tributes were both numerous and beautiful.
Wednesday 12th December 1900 Derby Mercury (page 2)
Railway Facilities at Totley
The residents of Totley, Dore and Holmesfield are agitating for a new station. The erection of considerable property during recent years has taken place at Totley, and those who have gone to live there, though close to the Midland Railway, are a long distance from any station. The people at Holmesfield are even worse off. The establishment of a large Rifle Range at Totley Bents by the Hallamshire Rifles has resulted in a strong agitation for a new station on the Dore and Chinley system. A petition has been prepared for presentation to the directors of the Midland Railway Company, and it is described as "the petition of the residents of Totley, Dore and Holmesfield; of the Hallamshire Rifles, the Sheffield Volunteer Artillery, the Sheffield Volunteer Engineers, and the Sheffield squadron of the Yorkshire Dragoons; of the members of the Sheffield Police Force, and Sheffield Rifle Clubs." The prayer of the petitioners is that a passenger and mineral station shall be erected at Totley Bents, close to the Sheffield end of the Grindleford Tunnel.
Saturday 22nd December 1900 Sheffield Independent (page 12)
Totley Rifle Range - Notice to Artillery Volunteers
Members of the Corp. are invited to sign a petition to the Directors of the Midland Railway Co. in support of a station at or near Totley Bents. The petition will be at Headquarters for signature during the whole of Christmas Week.
Friday 28th December 1900 Sheffield Independent (page 6)
Opening of the new Rifle Range at Totley
Series of pub meetings in the Dore district commences to agitated for new station on the Midland Railway nr Totley to Grindleford.
Saturday 29th December 1900 Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald (page 2)
After the Duke's Rabbits.
John E. Pinder, who was described as a farmer, of Totley Bents, appeared before the Dronfield magistrates on Monday, to answer to a charge of trespassing by night in search of game at Dronfield on December 7th. John Wm. Stones, gamekeeper to the Duke of Rutland, said that he and two other persons were on the Duke's land about ten minutes past nine on Friday night, the 7th of December, and they noticed a dog coming across the field. Directly afterwards two men followed it. When the men came opposite to them, he rushed out and stopped them. They struggled, and one man got away. The defendant was detained, however, and a net was found in his pockets. Defendant said he was only crossing the field as a short cut to a quarry. He had not the slightest intention of entrapping rabbits. A list of eleven previous convictions was produced against defendant, including a case in which he was fined £5 for poaching, and the magistrates inflicted a penalty to £5, including costs, or in default two months' hard labour.
Thursday 17th January 1901 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 3)
Dore and Totley Union Church
The annual Congregational tea and meeting in connection with this place of worship were held on Tuesday, Mr. W. J. Hunter presided at the after meeting when encouraging reports of the work of both church and Sunday school were presented. Addresses were given by the Rev. John Boughey the newly appointed minister at Mount Zion Mr. F. Callis and Mr. Oates. The programme also included enjoyable musical items by Miss Nelly Liller Mr. T. W. Todd and Mr. J. Boswell, the choir contributing a couple of anthems very effectively and Miss Winifred Perker a recitation.
Friday 18th January 1901 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 7)
New Alms houses at Totley Bottom.
A very interesting function took place at Totley Bottom yesterday morning when the new Alms Houses built by Mr Christopher Carter were formally opened, Mr. Carter who is a principal of the firm of Carter Milner & Bird (Ltd) brewers has erected the houses in memory of his mother Mrs. Ellen Carter who died about 1 year ago and an inscription on the front of the block commemorates the event. The houses are 3 in number and are to be occupied by the old people selected by the trustees.
Already 6 occupants are installed in them 2 in each house and the pleasant situation of the building the accommodation provided and all the arrangements made promises the comfortable retirement. The houses stand on the right hand side of the road about 1 mile from Dore & Totley station and are well built, Dunford Bridge Rocky stone with Stoke Hall ashlar dressing the roof being covered with Broseley Red Tiles, they make the block of pleasing appearance and are in the English domestic style of architecture with bay windows in front. There is only one floor and each house consists of two rooms and a combined pantry and scullery. The area of the land is about 2,600 sq yds. Freehold and more than ½ of this is occupied by gardens. The occupants live rent free and Mr. Carter has provided an endowment of 10s per week for each house together with free medical attendance. The total cost of land building and endowment has amounted to about £5,000 Mr. Hall & Fenton of Sheffield are the architects and the Contractors Mr. Edmund Fox of Bradway. The formal opening was attended by a brief ceremony Mr. W,H. Dent presided supported by Mr. Carter and there was a large gathering of friends.
Monday 28th January 1901 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 3)
A Rifle Club For Dore
Some of the residents of Dore have decided to form a rifle club, to be affiliated with the National Rifle Association. The club would have the use of the rifle range at Totley Bents. If the movement meets with support a meeting will be called shortly to appoint officers.
Tuesday 26 February 1901 Sheffield Daily Telegraph
Seventh Sale. This Day. Devonshire Road, Dore.
Fine Building Site. The Valuable Plot of Freehold Building Land, situate at the corner of Devonshire Road and Abbeydale Road, Dore, containing (inclusive of roads) 3,718 square yards or thereabouts, bounded on the north by property of Ebenezer Hall, Esq., and on the west by property now or late of F.P. Smith, Esq. The Property has an exceptional building frontage, and offers an admirable site for the erection of one or more Villas, and is within very easy distance of the Midland Railway Station. Baxter, Loxley, and Somerville, Solicitors, Doncaster.
Thursday 28th February 1901 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 6)
The Ecclesall Bierlow Union comprises the townships of Ecclesall Bierlow, Nether Hallam, Upper Hallam, the Parish of Heeley, the Liberty of Beauchief, the Township of Dore, the Township of Totley and the Parish of Norton, The Union is divided into four registrars sub-districts, which will be divided into 163 enumerators districts as follows:
Ecclesall 92: Nether and Upper Hallam 57: Norton and Beauchief 11: Dore and Totley 3: The total number of enumerators for both Unions will therefore be 367.
Tuesday 12th March 1901 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 3)
Fatal Trap Accident at Heeley
An accident which unfortunately has ended fatally occurred in Queens Road, Heeley on Saturday about 5 o'clock. Mr. Samuel Wint draper of Totley Rise was driving on a pony carriage accompanied by his wife along Queens Road towards Heeley, as he neared Duchess Road he had to pass a stationary furniture van and 3 horses belonging to E. Smith of 88 Charles Street, one of the horses was connected with the shafts by means of a chain. Just as Mr. Wint was approaching this animal swerved and in trying to avoid it Mr. Wint's carriage collided with a green grocer's cart which was standing on the other side of the road, the shaft of the pony carriage were broken off and both occupants were thrown to the road. Mr. Wint was rendered unconscious and after being attended by Mr. Fordham, Surgeon, he was removed in a cab to his home at Totley Rise. He never regained consciousness and he died from his injuries next morning, Mrs. Wint was not seriously injured.
Thursday 28th March 1901 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 4)
This Day at Eleven - Thomas Wint Deceased - Green Oak, Mickley Lane Totley.
Household Furniture Pictures, Glass China Bedsteads, Sewing Machine and Stand, (new) Kitchen Requisites, Grocery Stock, Shop Fittings 4 sets scales, Counters, Paraffin Oil Cistern, with Pump (new), Carts, Pony Tub, Old Pony, Greenhouse, with heating apparatus, Garden Tools, Wood Sheds, Part Stack of Hay, Hay Chopper etc.
Messrs William Bush and Sons respectfully give notice that they are instructed by the Administratix to Sell by Auction as above.
Auctioneers Office Church Street, Sheffield.
Tuesday 30th April 1901 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 5)
The Rev. W.R.Gibson Vicar of Dore & Totley sends us a copy of an appeal issued by the Dore Church Council on behalf of a proposal to provide a resident clergyman for Totley who shall act as curate for the two districts. It is pointed out that the parish boundary is several miles in circumference covering an area of close upon 5,000 acres and including large tracts of moorland where families lives in farms and homesteads remote from the opportunity of religious means and service. The population is stated to be rapidly increasing new residents taking up there abode every year.
The Rifle Range at Totley is expected to bring permanent inhabitants in addition to the large number it now occasionally attracts. The Bishop of the Diocese has recently sanctioned a grant as President of the Derby Church Extension Society for the special provision of a resident clergyman for Totley and it is desired to supplement that grant by annual subscriptions. A sum of £150 per annum is required to be raised towards this annual subscription has been promised by the Derbyshire Church Extention Society £30. Duke of Rutland £5. Duke of Devonshire £5. Mr. W. A. Milner JP £10. And Mr. Ebenezer Hall JP £10.
Thursday 9th May 1901 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 3)
A letter was read from the Totley Parish Council complaining of the close proximity to the thorough fare of the shooting on the rifle range at Totley Bents and to the state of the path leading from Totley Rise to Mickley Lane. The letter was referred to Mr. Milner, the chai,r for his opinion. The clerk read a letter from the General Manager of the Midland Railway Co. stating that the company's engine had been instructed to at once attend to the bridge in Twentwell Lane Dore.
Tuesday 4th June 1901 Derbyshire Courier (page 3)
Dronfield Petty Sessions. Monday. Before Dr S Rooth and Dr. H. B. Fletcher.
Totley: Charge of Theft Dismissed. John E. G. Pinder and George Thorpe, labourers, Totley, were charged with stealing a ladder, value 2s. the property of James Green , a joiner, at Totley, on or about Oct 30. Mr F. E. Eaton, Sheffield, defended. The case was dismissed.
Saturday 13th July 1901 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 8)
Sheffield and Hallamshire Photographic Society.
The usual monthly meeting of this society was held on Thursday, Mr. F. Mottershaw being in the chair Messrs. G. H. Bagshaw and G. Bingham gave a demonstration on Stereoscopic Photography, Mr. Bingham commencing by exhibiting and fully explaining the working of a stereoscopic camera and also demonstrated the method of trimming and mounting prints for the stereoscope. Mr. Bingham then gave a demonstration on the making of transparencies for the stereo several were afterwards exhibited.
Wednesday 17th July 1901 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 4)
The Sheffield Parks committee yesterday passed a resolution recommended the City Council to make a grant of £2,500 towards the Totley Range on the understanding that reasonable facilities are afforded the various rifle club in the city.
Thursday 15th August 1901 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 9)
Sheffield Man Killed at Totley Kindness and Death.
The Sheffield City Coroner held an inquest at the Ball Inn Crookes yesterday on the body of George Eyre age 58 of 135 Western Road who died on Saturday. On Monday July 8th deceased went to Totley to do some work on the Rifle Range, in the afternoon he saw some children climbing cherry trees in an orchard adjoining the range. He went to them and thinking they would fall advised them to “come” down he then climbed the tree himself to get some cherries for the children and when several feet from the ground one of the boughs broke and he fell. Two small bones at the back of his neck were badly crushed, but after 3 weeks detention in the Royal Hospital it was thought he had recovered, death however took place on Saturday Dr. Dearden who attended deceased said death was due to inflammation of the kidneys resultant upon the injuries. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death.
Thursday 15th August 1901
At a meeting of the Sheffield City Council yesterday the grant of £2,500 towards the expensed marking the Rifle Range Totley with the conditions that it is to be under the management of the 3 volunteer corporations of the City. The decision of the Stage Plays Licensing Committee in the case of the Empire Palace was severely criticised and in fact condemned but as no confirmation of the Committee action was necessary the vote is inoperative. An attempt was made to have a penny tram fare to Nether Green but the Tramway Committee succeeded in passing their recommendation. The meeting lasted nearly 7 hours.
Wednesday 5th October 1901 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 9)
The Hallamshires Rifle Range
In the current issue of "The Tiger and the Rose", the monthly journal of the York and Lancaster Regiment, appears the following article written by "A General Correspondent," in regard to the Hallamshires' Rifle Range at Totley:-
The colonel and officers of our 1st (Hallamshire) Volunteer Battalion have no reason to be grateful to the Sheffield City Council. With infinite trouble the corps has managed to secure the lease of suitable ground at the foot of the high moorland over-looking Totley Bents, and after months of hard work, and an expenditure of £4,000, have turned this into a really first-class rifle range. The corps offers every possible facility for class firing and prize shooting, etc., to the members of the local Yeomanry, R.A. and R.E. Volunteers, and, in order to encourage rifle shooting among civilians who have not the inclination to make themselves efficient Volunteers, has granted the use of this range, at a nominal rental, to some four or five rifle clubs, which have recently sprung into existence. In accordance with the powers possessed by the Corporation to grant sums of money to Volunteer funds, Col. Hughes recently applied for a grant of £2,500, to enable the corps to finish up the work and clear off a portion of the debt. There is not much doubt that this sum would have been voted cheerfully had not some gentleman weighed in with an extraordinary proposal to the effect that the Hallamshires should hand over control of their range to a committee, composed of representatives of all the three local Volunteer Corps, plus the rifle club gentlemen. This remarkable scheme having died in its infancy, the economical members of the Council, who wished to save their face and their money at the same time, conceived the idea of offering the grant once more under conditions that they knew well could not be accepted. In other words, they sank the rifle clubs, but insisted upon a partial control of the range by the R.A. and R.E. Volunteeers, whose capitation grant is not affected by musketry requirements, and who, moreover, had already announced that they had no desire to interfere. At a meeting of the City Council, on September 11th, a letter was read in which Colonel Hughes emphasised the right of the Hallamshires to the management of their own affairs and the exclusive control of their own property, and firmly, but respectfully, declined to barter freedom of action and the efficiency of his battalion on any terms whatever. The officers of the corps have now to rely upon their own energy and resources in the task of raising the necessary capital for carrying on their country's work.
Wednesday 6th November 1901 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 5)
Holmesfield as a Health Resort.
The Rev. Charles Bradshaw writes to us from his vicarage at Holmesfield as follows:-
I see from the widely read Sheffield Daily Telegraph that your city has during the first day or two been enveloped in a deuse fog, and also learn from parishioners who have been to town that they had experienced a darkness that could be felt. For a confirmation of this I only have to look down from these heights. The atmosphere here is altogether more cheering clear frosty nights followed by brilliant days and the sun shining from a clear cloudless sky from sunrise to sunset are the meteorological readings from Holmesfield. Why do not more of your citizens journey here and build themselves a villa or take apartments and so escape some of Sheffield fog. A walk to Totley station would be beneficial to any business man.
Wednesday 20th November 1901 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 2)
Poor Milk From Totley
Thos Andrew farmer of Totley Hall Farm was summonsed for selling milk which was not of the standard and quality demanded. Kate Andrew his daughter was summonsed as the actual seller of the milk. The evidence showed that a sample of milk purchased on the 14th October, contained 5 parts of added water the analysts report also showed that it was deficient of fat.
Mr. E.W. Clegg said it would be a serious thing if this man who's income largely came from milk selling were convicted. During the summer the pasturage had been very bad the milk as a result was not as good a usual and in this case no water had been added
Defendants son and daughter all gave evidence and stated that the milk was sold just as it came from the cow. Defendant stated that it had about 16 milch cows and the milk had not been up to the usual standard because throughout the summer owing to the very dry season pasturage had been very bad.
A fine of £1 including cost was inflicted on the male defendant the case against the daughter being withdrawn.
Thursday 15th May 1902 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 9)
Music in Courts and Alleys
The first of a series of twelve concerts organised by the Bands Sub-committee of the Sheffield Corporation took place on Tuesday night in Cross Gilpin Street. Mr. r, Langley chairman of the committee presided. The concerts he said were organised for the benefit of the poor people who were unable to get to the parks to hear the bands.
The artistes who took part were engaged by Mr. Bestwick manager of the committee and consisted of Miss Edith Lucas soprano, of the Festival chorus, Mr. W, H. Moorhouse tenor, Mr. Edgar Harwood humorist Mr. H. Kelly cornet soloist. The concert was greatly enjoyed by a large crowd and was one of the must successful of the kind that has been held.
Saturday 14th June 1902 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 7)
Hallamshire Rifles at Totley.
The program of weekend encampments of Hallamshire Rifles at Totley range began a few weeks ago is being continued, yesterday the members of C & D companies went out under Captains Marples & Chalmer. The men stay at Totley until tomorrow even living under canvas if the weather is favourable, but sleeping in there new quarters if necessary and their work consists of firing practice and company drill the former being the chief essential.
Thursday 31st July 1902 Sheffield Evening Telegraph (page 7)
Road Collision at Beauchief.
County Court Action
At the Sheffield County Court, today, his Honour Judge Waddy, K.C., and a jury investigated the circumstances of a collision between a carriage and a dog cart at Beauchief on the 13th March. Mrs Emily Cockayne, of Norton Lees, claimed £6 16s. 6d. from John Edward Greenwood Pinder, farmer, Totley Bents, for damages to he carriage caused by the defendant negligently driving a dog cart and horse on Beauchief Bridge. There was a counter claim by Pinder for £10 18s. damages - £5 damage to a trap, £2 loss in value of a horse, and £3 18s. for personal injuries - for the careless and negligent driving of Mrs. Cockayne's coachman. Mr. Bramley (instructed by Messrs Lucas and Padley) was for the plaintiff, and Mr. Horace Wilson (instructed by Mr. A. Muir Wilson) represented Pinder. On the date in question the railway bridge in the Abbey Lane at Beauchief was being widened and as a result only part of the roadway was open for the use of vehicular traffic. In the afternoon Pinder went to Woodseats, and the accident happened on his way home to Totley Bents in the evening. The case for the plaintiff was that Pinder was drunk, and that he ran into Mrs. Cockayne's carriage with his dog-cart. Police-constable Jepson was called and stated that Pinder was drunk, and it also came out in evidence that defendant was summoned and fined 20s. and costs for being drunk while having charge of a horse and cart. The defence was that Mrs. Cockayne's coachman was driving too fast. The accident took place on the railway bridge, and as a result of the collision Pinder's trap was overturned, and Pinder himself was thrown into the road, and so badly hurt that he was unable to follow his proper employment for six weeks. Pinder denied that he was drunk, and when the police officer said he was not sober he went to see Dr. Parsons, of Totley. The doctor was called, and stated that Pinder was not drunk, and another witness who saw him at Woodseats, gave similar evidence. The jury found for the plaintiff on the claim (Mrs. Cockayne) for £5, and for the defendant on the counter claim.
Saturday 27 September 1902 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 5)
Tedbar Tinker, Deceased.
Important Shop Property with Beer Licence and Land at Totley; Building Land, Residence, and Farm at Dronfield.
To be sold by Auction, by Messrs. W.H. and J.A. Eadon, at their Sale Room, St. James' Street, Sheffield, on Tuesday, October 14th, 1902, at 4.30 precisely, subject to the conditions of sale of the Sheffield District Incorporated Law Society, and special conditions:
LOT 1. - The important Block of Freehold Property, at Totley Rise, near Sheffield, comprising: The large Grocer's Shop and Dwelling-house, with Off-Beer and Wine Licence, 2-stall stable and conveniences, occupied by Mr. Leonard Thompson; a Butcher's Shop and Dwelling-house, with Slaughter-house, Stable, Loft and conveniences, occupied by Mr. C.A. Thompson; and a Sale-shop and Dwelling-house, adjoining, occupied by Mr. James Boot, the whole producing at low rents £77 10s. per annum. Each tenant has a commodious dwelling-house, that attached to the grocer's shop being exceptionally roomy, with convenient cellaring and storage accommodation, and there is a back garden to each. The Site contains, including half the lane on the south side of the property, 1,752 square yards or thereabouts.
LOT 2. - A Piece of Freehold Building Land containing (including roads) 1a. 1r. 16p. or thereabouts, at Totley, near to Lot 1, bounded on the west by the brook, on the east by land belonging to Mr. T.J. Tinker, and on the south by Totley Lane, together with the dwelling-houses and buildings thereon, formerly occupied by chemical works.
LOT 3. - The commodious Family Residence, with Gardens, Stables and conveniences, called Rosehill, Dronfield, in the occupation of Mr. T.W.Lee, Esq., at the low yearly rent of £55. The House contains entrance hall, dining and drawing-rooms (each 20-feet square), Breakfast-room, kitchen, scullery, pantry, billiard-room, five bedrooms, two attics, box-room, bathroom, lavatory, and w.c. The outbuildings comprise 2-stall stable, carriage-house (at present used as stables) with chambers over, harnesses etc.
Thursday 9th October 1902 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 3)
Postal Facilities At Totley.
A letter was brought before the council from the Sheffield Postmaster stating that there appeared to be a desire in Totley and Totley Rise for a late despatch of letters than 6.59pm. That the present amount of correspondence did not warrant the establishment of an additional bag, and that if the present despatch was altered to 8.22pm it would not reach Sheffield in time for the outgoing mail for Scotland North West Counties South Wales etc.
Mr. Milner stated that he had had some conversation with the Sheffield Postmaster on this question and it seemed that if the despatch was altered to 8.22pm a letter posted say to Buxton by that despatch would not be delivered until the following afternoon although Buxton was only 23miles distant from Totley whilst letters posted to more isolated places having only one delivery per day would not be delivered until the day but one following. He thought the residents of Totley and Totley Rise should be made fully aware of these facts and he therefore suggested that the Sheffield Postmasters letters should be forwarded to the Totley Parish Council.
Wednesday 12th November 1902 Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald (page 4)
John Edward G. Pinder, farmer, of Totley, was similarly summoned (on a charge of being drunk and disorderly). P.c. Thompson said that he was called on October 17th by Mr Hulett to eject the man from the Ordnance Arms, "where he had been creating a disturbance and turning out the people. P.c. Else corroborated. Defendant said he had only had the summons on Tuesday night, and he had no chance of bringing witnesses - he could bring twenty to prove he was not drunk. The Bench adjourned the case.
Wednesday 26th November 1902 Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald (page 2)
A Dilatory Defendant
Reprimanded at Bakewell for Wasting Witness's Time
An Incident of Hathersage Fair.
John Edward Pinder, a farmer, of Totley, was summoned at the Bakewell Petty Sessions a fortnight ago for being drunk and disorderly at Hathersage and then asked for the case to be adjourned as he said he could bring witnesses to say he was not drunk. Last Friday when the case was called on, five witnesses stepped forward - gentlemen of some standing in their district whose time was valuable - but there was no Pinder. The chairman (Mr Nixon) in expressing his sympathy with these witnesses said that the Bench could not be played with in that manner and unless Pinder put in an appearance within half-an-hour the Magistrates would consider the question of issuing a warrant for his apprehension. Within the period of grace, Pinder appeared and was subjected to a severe reprimand by the Chairman for keeping everyone waiting his convenience. Pinder - a big John Bull looking fellow - smilingly explained the delay with the remark that he was "late," he had ridden down on horse-back and was not used to it. (laughter). P.c. Thompson repeated the evidence he gave at the last Sessions as to Pinder's drunken and disorderly behaviour in the Ordnance Arms, in consequence of which he was ejected by the landlord (Mr Hulett) and witness. P.c. Else also proved to have seen Pinder drunk in another part of the village. Mr Wm. Henry Swain, of Hathersage, said that he had seen the defendant and the constable together and the former was unquestionably drunk and behaving in a disorderly manner. Witness thought that the constable exercised very great forbearance. Pinder, giving evidence on oath, said he had had a cup of tea and some whiskey at the Ordnance Arms, and saw P.c. Thompson come in and tell him he was drunk. Witness denied it and went home quietly and neither P.c. Thompson or P.c. Else had anything further to say to him.
The Chairman: Why did you leave the Ordnance Arms? - Well I started dancing and that's when they sent for the policeman. Other people were dancing; no one pushed him out of the house, he went out of his own free will. Mr Hulett said that Pinder had had some tea with him and then seemed all right, but instead of going off to catch his train home, as he said he was going to do, he went into the dancing room, unknown to witness, and there caused a disturbance. He wanted all the room to himself and though not actually drunk, witness thought it best for the comfort of the other dancers, to eject defendant. Replying to Superintendent Savory: The man was not actually sober and yet not drunk; he thought the tea might have upset him. (Laughter.)
Mr H. R. Cross land said he saw the defendant for a couple of minutes but he did not notice his condition, except that he was not really drunk. Allowing for the fact that it was day; he had evidently had some drink but knew what we was doing. But when he saw him it was nearly two hours before the disturbance complained of. Mr. Crossland said he was sorry to have to appear in the case at all. The Chairman said that Mr Crossland's protest was perfectly justified; it was most unreasonable for Pinder to subject him to such an unnecessary waste of time as to bring him to Bakewell when he knew really nothing about the case. Mrs Simpson, of the Hare and Hounds, said that when the defendant came into her house he asked for supper; he was in her opinion "neither sober nor drunk." He had had drink. The Chairman said the Bench had decided to convict, being unable to disregard all the evidence of the reutable witnesses they had heard; they imposed a fine of £1 and £1 18s. 2d. costs (Mr. Swain being allowed £1 1s. expenses).
Saturday 24th January 1903 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 3)
Newhall - To Let Stabling for six horses, hay chamber. Mr. Hattersley, Wood Bank Totley Rise, Sheffield.
Monday 2nd February 1903 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 3)
The last half hour of the entertainment was furnished by the Sheffield Photographic Co. whose representative Mr. F. Mottershaw gave a display of animated pictures. These included several of the Delhi Durbor notably one of considerable duration, of the entry into Delhi of the gorgeous pageant. Mr. Charles Callum occupied his accustomed post of piano forte accompanist.
Thursday 19th February, 1903 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 2)
Gardener experienced, Wanted good all round man for Jobbing Work, permanent -
Apply Gledhill 150 Ecclesall Road Sheffield.
Saturday 21 March 1903 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 3)
Totley Rise, Chatsworth rd. - For Sale, Pair Semi-Detached Villas, with coach-house and stable to each; good investment. - Apply Marrison, Builder, Totley Rise.
Wednesday 25th March 1903 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 4)
Two distinct shocks of earthquake were felt in different parts of Derbyshire and adjoining counties yesterday. In the Sheffield district the shocks were most severely felt in the neighbourhood of Dore and Totley though the tremor was distinctly noticed in several parts of the city itself.
Saturday 28th March 1903 Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald (page 5)
Dr. C. A. Thorne, one of the leading residents of Dore, declares that he distinctly felt the two shocks at the time stated, and left the house immediately to find out whether others had also noted the occurrence. The doctor's conclusion that the village had been visited by a mild form of earthquake was confirmed by the fact that so many other residents had experienced the same distinct trembling. Indeed one of the doctor's patients, Mr. Hill of Greenoaks, seems to have felt the peculiar sensation with considerable intensity for it is reported that his house decidedly dipped at one end. At the Midland Railway Station telegraph messages were transmitted along the valley to the various signal boxes. The replies to these messages further substantiated the earthquake theory, for the shocks had been distinctly felt all along the Dore valley.
Monday 4th May 1903 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 8)
Dore and Totley Railway Servants
The Dore and Totley Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants held their sixth annual tea and concert on behalf of the orphan and benevolent funds, in the Primitive Methodist Schoolroom, Dore. There was a capital attendance, an excellent selection of vocal and instrumental music was rendered by the following artistes:
Masters E. Thorpe and R. Grace trebles, Mrs W. J. Shepherd soprano, Mrs. J. G. Lee contralto, Mr. Colin Mason tenor, Mr J. Stones bass. Mr. C. Bamford violin, Mr. Will Hall humorist, and Mr. A, Farnsworth piano soloist and accompanist. The chair was occupied by Mr. J. Darby.
Friday 5 June 1903 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 2)
Pony 12 hands 4 yrs and S.P. Harness £6 10s
Apply E. Theaker Newsagents Totley Rise Nr. Sheffield.
Saturday, 6 June 1903 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 5)
Chatsworth Road, Totley Brook
Thursday, June 18, 1903
Horse, Cart, Builders' Materials, and Household Furniture
Messrs. George Sampson and Son and favoured with instructions from Mr. W.W. Marrison, who is leaving the neighbourhood, to Sell by Auction, the whole of his Stock-in-Trade, etc., as above.
Monday 22nd June 1903 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 7).
Capron on the 17th inst at Green Oak House, Totley the wife of A.J.Capron of a daughter.
Friday 11th September, 1903 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 2)
Hearse, superior modern for Sale, splendid condition suit pair or single - Apply Gledhill 150, Ecclesall Road, Sheffield.
Thursday 24th September 1903 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 8)
Visitors To The Town Hall.
Last evening over 5,000 visitors took advantage of the Lord Mayors invitation to inspect the interior of the Town Hall. It was the last of the six evenings set apart for citizens to view the municipal buildings, and probably this accounted for the much larger attendance than on any previous occasion. The visitors wandered through the reception rooms, and then enjoyed a rest in the comfortable chairs in the Lord Mayors Parlour and in other parts of the building. An excellent programme of music was provided by the Sheffield Recreation Prize Band under the conductorship of Mr. W, T. Bestwick. The following are the numbers of visitors who have taken advantage of Lord Mayors invitation. September 14th 2,450 16th 2,900 17th 3,320 18th 3,167 22nd 4,429 23rd 5,103 total 21,369
Monday 12th October 1903 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 5)
Dore & District Rifle Club.
The members of the above club shot at the Totley Range on Saturday for the Eaton Cup which is completed for annually, the conditions being seven shots and sighter each at the 200 and 500 yds range Bisley targets. The following are a few of the scores made:-
- E. Crowe 61
- F.T.Hoyland 59
- W. Wilson Jnr. 50
- F.C.Creswick 47
- W.Askew 42
- Dr. Gale 42.
Thursday 19th November 1903 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 8)
The Sheffield Recreation Band is an excellent musical combination as many thousands of Sheffield's inhabitants have reason to remember from the concerts which it has given from time to time in the public parks of the city. Last night the members and a few friends spent a very enjoyable time at Mr. Walter Watson's Victoria Hotel, where they held their annual dinner. Alderman T. Nixon president of the band occupied the chair, and those present included the Lord Mayor (Councillor J. R. Wheatley) Councillor Alfred Taylor, Fenton and Wardley Mr. W. Bestwick (bandsman) Mr. C. Croft (secretary) and others.
Alderman Nixon in proposing Success to the Sheffield Recreation Band, observed that the band had existed something like eight years. It had discharged all its liabilities and possessed a number of instruments second probably to none, in Sheffield the Alderman referred in appreciatory terms to the sacrifices the band had made in order to give pleasure to the citizens of Sheffield. The band had given something like 32 performances the total number of attendances of members being about 756. Their share of the fund which the corporation were good enough to grant the band which have played during the past summer, in the park was £96 2s That was nothing like adequate payment for the services they had rendered, he thought. The public of Sheffield seemed to be taking a greater interest than ever in the music provided in the park and he hoped this band would enhance its reputation amongst them.
Saturday 12th December 1903 Derbyshire Courier (page 7)
John Edward Greenwood Pinder, carter, Totley, was fined 10s. including costs, for driving a vehicle without a light at Dore on Nov 17th. sergeant Hughes stated the facts.
Friday 8th January 1904 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 2)
Pony 13 hands cheap No Further Use.
Theaker Totley Rise
Saturday 5th March 1904, Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 7)
Parish of Norton, Near Sheffield
Totley Rise, March 4.
Sir-, Will you kindly allow me a little space in your most valuable paper? The parish of Norton is large, extending miles: it once included many hamlets, some of which are no longer in Norton, having become a part of Sheffield city. I desire to inform the parish generally (not Greenhill only) but Norton, Bradway, and especially that portion of Bradway in Norton also, erroneously called Totley Rise, that there is to be an election of parish councillors on Monday next, at eight o'clock prompt, at the Schoolroom, Greenhill. I would not have troubled you, but that last election was carried on so quietly, that more than one half of the parish knew nothing until the next day, although forsooth, they contribute to the expenses in rates. Worse still, there were seven members elected to represent the whole district. With the exception of the chairman, the remaining six were drawn from Greenhill residents, thus depriving the bulk of the parish of any representative. The Sheffield directory is more or less to blame, because by it you find Greenhill has 34 householders, and Norton 28; then it gives Bradway in Norton 21 householders. These figures are misleading, for Bradway has a large portion of residential homes (Victoria Road, etc.), which, for postal convenience is termed "Totley Rise". However, it is all in the parish of Norton. There are 25 houses here all in Bradway, and paying Norton rates, yet every one of these are classed in Totley (by directory), a great injustice to Norton and all concerned. There was not one of this number know anything of last election. Seeing Bradway proper has 46 ratepayers, I hope they will see no it they have some voice in next Monday's election.
Yours faithfully,
Edmund B. Dakin.
P.S. - I do not seek election.
Friday 25th March 1904 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 6)
At the west Riding Assizes at Leeds yesterday the action brought by Mrs. Henrietta Alice Hope, Totley Rise Sheffield for the recovery of £3,500 from the Sheffield branch of the York City & County Bank was concluded, the jury returned a verdict for the bank.
Tuesday 19 April 1904 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 8)
Totley Club Steward Heavily Fined
At Eckington Petty Sessions yesterday, Benjamin Payne, steward of the Queen's Social Club, Totley, was summoned for selling intoxicating liquor without a licence on April 4. On Easter Monday, Police-sergeant Walker visited the club in plain clothes as a cyclist and heard a person named Henry Mackley, of Sheffield, who was at the bar with his wife and son, say, "I suppose I cannot have a drink, not being a member?". Payne said, "Oh, it's all right." and Mackley ordered two glasses of beer, and paid for them. Walker ordered a bottle of beer and was supplied. Later on, Constable Macdonald came in, also in plain clothes, and had a bottle of beer. They had a bottle of beer each later on again, and then disclosed their identity to the defendant. Defendant was fined £20 and costs. Mr. J. Middleton, Chesterfield, prosecuted and Mr. A. Neal, Sheffield, defended.
Saturday 21 May 1904 Derbyshire Courier (page 7)
The Queen's Social Club, Totley
The Police and Management
Mr J Middleton, Chesterfield, appeared before the Eckington magistrates - Mr J F Swallow, Major L B Bowden, Col Bowden, and Mr R A Sorby, - on Monday, in support of an application by the police to have the Queen's Social Club, Totley, struck off the register. Mr Muir Wilson, Sheffield, represented the management of the club. Mr Middleton said the application was a continuation of a prosecution a little while ago, when the steward of the club was fined £20 and costs for selling liquor without a license to persons and members. The case was a bad one, and it was then thought that the club was a bogus one, but it was found that it was in reality a club, with members, committee, and a secretary who lived in Sheffield. There had been some change in the management, and having regard to what his friend had told him in an interview, he (Mr Middleton) asked that the application be adjourned for two months, and in the meantime the police were to have the power of entry, which they had not before.
The Chairman: Will they be allowed to go in?
Mr Wilson: Certainly.
A slip of paper was handed to the Bench by Mr Wilson, who remarked that it was not for the Press to see, but for the Bench, and would be a sufficient guarantee of the gentleman he appeared for.
Mr Middleton said the club had remained open until one and two o'clock in the morning, instead of being closed at eleven o'clock. People had been seen coming out in various stages of intoxication.
Mr Middleton assured the Bench that if the application were adjourned for a fortnight the club would be placed upon a different basis of management. He would personally supervise that. On the day of the offence referred to there were 50,000 people at Totley, where the Hallamshire Rifles from Sheffield, a very popular corps with a large following, were having a day's shoot. Certain indiscretions were committed at the club, which the gentleman he appeared for did not tolerate, and care would be taken that there were no further complaints in the next two months. The application was then adjourned until July 18.
Wednesday 8th June 1904 Sheffield Daly Telegraph (page 4)
Funeral of Mr. J. W. Elliot, of Dore
The funeral of Mr. James William Elliot, of Brinkburn Grange, Dore, took place yesterday, at Ecclesall Churchyard. Mr. Elliot was the senior member of the firm Joseph Elliot and Sons, cutlery manufacturers, Hollis Croft, Sheffield, and he died on Friday, after a brief illness at the age of 62. He was at business two days before; but on returning hime he was seized with a paralytic stroke, and did not regain consciousness. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him, and by no one more than his workpeople. At one time he was a captain in the Engineer volunteers; but he took no part in public life, being of a retiring disposition. A large number of the meployees of the firm walked in the procession from Dore, and the scene at the grave side was elequent testimony to the esteem in which he was held by those who knew him best. The chief mourners were: Mr. Gilbert Elliot (son), Miss K. Elliot (daughter), Miss Elliot, Miss Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Elliot, Mr. Hawksley Elliot, Miss F. Elliot, Dr. Thorne and Mr. Fletcher. There were also present Messrs. E. Bramley, F.H. Bramley, E.W. Longden, A.C. Davy, G.L.H. Lloyd, and H. Doncaster. The Rev. H.D. Hubbard, of Dore, officiated. Wreaths were sent by Mrs. Elliot (widow), Mr. G. Elliot (son), Misses K. and D. Elliot, and the Misses Elliot (Thornleigh), Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Elliot (Woodcroft), Mr. and Mrs. Ebenezer Hall, Dr. and Mrs. Thorne, Mr. Lionel Thorne, Mr. and Mrs. Veall (Dore), Mr. and Mrs Parker (London), Mr. and Mrs. Watt, Mr. and Mrs. Wragg (Dore), Servants, the Employés (2), the Table Department, Miss Robinson, and the "crippled boys." The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. T.B. and W. Cockayne.
Saturday 11th June 1904 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 4).
Bedding Plants
Geraniums, Calceolarias, Pansies etc. 300 Boxes Royal Purple Lobelia, 100,000 spring grown cabbage plants good sorts, Drumheads and Savoy's.
Gledhill 160 Ecclesall Road, and Manor Lane.
Saturday 9th July 1904 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 8)
Wills and Bequests
Mr. James William Elliot, of Brinkburn Grange, Dore, Derbyshire, formerly of Hunter House, Sheffield, who died on June 3 last, appointed as his executors his wife, Mrs. Catharine Parker Elliot, and his son, Mr. Gilbert Elliot, cutlery manufacturer, by whom the whole estate is valued at £14,568 4s. 10d., including £12, 265 14s. 9d. in net personalty.
Tuesday 27th September 1904 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 1)
Fourth Sale. This Day, at 4.30
Freehold Villas at Totley Rise.
To be Sold by Auction by Messrs. W. H. and J. A. Eadon, at their Sale Room, St. James's Street, Sheffield, on Tuesday, the 27th day of Septmber, 1904, at 4.30 p.m. precisely, subject to the General Conditons of Sale of the Sheffield District Incorporated Law Society and Special Conditions:-
Two Freehold Bay-Windowed Villas, with gardens and conveniences, situte at Totley Rise, near Sheffield, fronting Glover Road and the main road to Baslow, in the occupation of Mr. Elliott and Mrs. Hawkins, producing a rental of £50 per annum, the tenants paying the rates. Each house contains Two Sitting-rooms, Living-room, Kitchen, Three Bedrooms, Attic, and Cellaring. The site contains 1,823 square yards net land, and there is room for the erection of other houses. The property is pleasantly situated, within easy walking distance of the Totley Railway Station, and is in good repair. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers; or to Albert Howe, Solicitor, Meetinghouse Chambers, Sheffield.
Tuesday 11th October 1904 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 5)
Rose H. Furness, Totley Rise, summoned Martha Bennett, and Frederick Bennett, shoemaker, of the same place for an assault at Totley on September 24. The bench bound both defendants over in £5 each to keep the peace for six months, and pay the costs. Mr. Horace Wilson, barrister, appeared for the defendants, instructed by Mr. Neal Sheffield.
Superintendent Andrew summoned William Whitely of Sheffield, engine driver, for allowing a locomotive to remain within 10ft of the face of abutment of a culvert on the highway at Owler bar on September 15. Fined 15s. including costs.
Saturday 15th October 1904 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 7)
Sheffield and Hallamshire Photographic Society.
At the invitation of Mr. Mottershaw the usual monthly meeting of this society was held at the Sheffield Photographic Co.'s Cinematograph Works, York Street where Mr. Mottershaw gave a demonstration on film development. After developing several Imperial films (which had been exposed through one of the Photo Co.'s Pioneer cameras) with good results using the usual hydroquinone formula Mr. Mottershaw exhibited through the lantern the 1904 prize medal slides by Mr. Grayson Bird. The meeting was brought to a close by the exhibition of several excellent cinematograph pictures by the Sheffield Photographic Co.
Saturday 19th November 1904 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 5)
First Sale. Tuesday Next, at 4.30.
Investments and Ground Rents at Totley Rise.
To be Sold by Auction by Messrs. W. H. and J. A. Eadon, at their Saleroom, St. James's Street, Sheffield, on Tuesday, November 22nd, at 4.30 precisely, subject to the General Conditions of Sale of the Sheffield District Incorporated Law Society, and Special Conditions:-
LOT 1.- Eight Leasehold Dwelling-houses with Gardens and Conveniences at Totley Rise, fronting the turnpike road from Sheffield to Baslow, occupied by Messrs. Holliman, Chapman, Ashmore, Brown, Peevor, Taylor, and Wint, and producing a gross annual rental of £83 4s., the owner paying rates. The site (963 square yards) is held on lease for 800 years (les one day) at an annual Ground Rent of £9 15s.
LOT 2.- A Pair of Freehold Villas with gardens and Conveniences, known as "Fairfield Villa" and "Albert Villa" situate fronting Glover Road, Totley Rise, near the Sheffield and Baslow turnpike, in the occupation of Messrs Glidden and Hague at a yearly rental of £34, the tenants paying rates. Area 738 square yards. Each house contains Two Sitting-rooms, Basement Kitchen, Cellars, 2 Bedrooms, and 1 Attic.
LOT 3.- A Freehold ground Rent of £7 6s. per annum, secured on 480 square yards of land in Glover Road, Totley Rise aforesaid, and a pair of Villas erected thereon, adjoining Lot 2, producing a gross annual rental of £28 per annum, and occupied by Miss Christopher and Miss Crossland respectively.
LOT 4.- A Freehold Ground Rent of £18 13s. 4d. per annum secured on 1,550 square yards of land adjoining Lot 2, and fronting the lane from Abbeydale Road to the Chemical Works, with four dwelling-houses erected thereon, producing a gross yearly rental of about £62 8s.
For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers, to Mr. W. A. Goodlad, Estate Agent, 93 Queen Street, Sheffield, or to Messrs. Saunders and Nicholsons, Solicitors, Wath-upon-Dearne, near Rotherham.
Tuesday 22nd November 1904 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 4)
Sarah Burgess, Totley, was summoned by Mary Ann Biggin, Norton backmoor, for fraudulently removing certain goods in order to prevent a distrait being levied on them for rent due, amounting to £3. 3s at Totley - Fined £1 including costs for removing the goods, the rent to remain owing.
Wednesday 23 November 1904 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 11)
Messrs. W.H. & J.A. Eadon.
At their salesroom in St. James Street Sheffield yesterday Messrs W.H. & J.A. Eadon sold for £660 eight leasehold dwellings houses with gardens at Totley Rise fronting the Sheffield Baslow Road let for £83 a year. A pair of freehold villas in Glover Road Totley Rise were withdrawn. A freehold ground rent of £7. 5s per annum secured on 480 square yards of land in Glover Road with a pair of villas erected thereon, was sold for 23 quarter years purchase. Another freehold ground rent of £18. 13s 4d per annum secured on 1,550 square yards of land adjoining the above two lots, were sold for 23 ½ years purchase Messrs Saunders and Nicholsons, Wath were the solicitors.
Tuesday 14 February 1905 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 5)
Already Too Many Licences.
A similar fate befell the application of Walter Waller Marrison, holder of a beer-off licence (made by Mr. Ellison, instructed by Mr. J.T. Jones); and also the request of George Arthur Ward Wells, of 72, High Street, Eckington, for an off-beer licence. Mr. J.T. Jones made the application whilst Mr. A. B. Chambers appeared to oppose on behalf of the late Mr. Fidler's trustees. The Chairman stated, before the applications had proceeded far, that there were already too many licences in Totley and Eckington, and that to have any hope of success the applicants must be prepared to offer the surrender of other licences.
Tuesday 28 March 1905 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 4)
The Story of a Totley Club
Struck Off The Register
At Eckington yesterday, before Mr. J.F. Swallow (in the chair), Mr. H.A. Fowler and Mr. R. Eyre, application was made to have the Queen's Social Club, Totley Rise, struck off the register, and the secretary, Arthur C. Middleton, Heeley, was summoned for not making the return required by the Licensing Act of 1902. Mr. John Middleton, solicitor, Chesterfield, appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Payne, from the office of Mr. Muir Wilson, Sheffield, was for the defence. Mr. Middleton said that the reason given by the secretary for not making the return was that he could not get any information which would enable him to do so. He could not get a meeting of the committee, and nobody seemed to know who the members were. With regard to the other summons, the club had not been carried on in good faith, and the supply of intoxicants to the club was not under the control of the members. The rules had not been carried out at all. The steward, a man named Payne, was to all intents and purposes, the proprietor of the club. He was paid no wages. He kept the accounts and ordered the goods. There was a treasurer, but no money passed through his hands, and he had ordered nothing. The steward had been fined £20 and costs for selling liquor to non-members. An application similar to the present one was before the Court in May last, and it was withdrawn on an undertaking being given that the club would be properly conducted in future but there had been no improvement. With regard to the secretary he had been obliged to summon him but he did not ask that he be punished, as he believed he had done all he could in the matter. Evidence having been given by the present and former secretaries, bearing out Mr. Middleton's statement, the justices ordered the club to be struck off the register, and the case against the secretary was dismissed.
Wednesday 10 May 1905 Sheffield Daily Telegraph
Platts - Died, April 26th, at Nangatuck, Connecticut, U.S.A., James Platts, late of Cricket Inn, Totley. Friends please accept this, the only intimation.
Saturday 28 October 1905 Sheffield Daily Telegraph
At Short Notice.
Cricket Inn, Totley Bents.
Thursday Next, November 2nd, 1905.
Messrs. George Sampson and Son are instructed by Mrs. Elliott (who is leaving the Inn) to Sell by Auction, as above:-
Brown Pony, "Kit", 44 h.h., quiet, and a good goer; 4 Store Pigs, 10 weeks; Dogcart, by Holmes; 2 Pony Phaetons, 2 Drays, Open Landau, large Covered Wagonette, 8½ Couples Fowls, 2½ Couples Ducks; Portion of Household Furniture; Tables, Chairs, Mahogany Bedstead, Mahogany Sofa, etc., etc. Sale to commence at 1.30.
Saturday 28 October 1905 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 6)
At Sheffield County Court, yesterday, before His Honour Judge Mansel-Jones, Ind. Coope, and Co., brewers, sued Ben Payne, formerly of the Queen's Social Club, Totley, for £19 6s. 0d., due for liquor and cigars supplied. Mr. A. Howe represented plaintiff company, and Mr. Ernest Clegg defended. It was alleged that the orders were given by Payne and supplied on the assumption that he was the tenant. The invoices were made out to him, and previous amounts paid by the defendant. The defence was that Payne, who was formerly employed at the works of Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, was merely the steward, at 30s. a week wages, of a properly constituted club "to promote the moral and social welfare of its members." When the orders were first solicited, it was alleged, he pointed out that he needed the authority of the secretary before giving orders. This authorisation was subsequently given, but since then the club has been struck off the register. His Honour gave judgement for the amount claimed.
Saturday 4th November 1905 Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald (page 3)
Totley Bents Landlady Fined.
Drunk on her Own Premises.
The wife of a Totley Bents publican, named Elizabeth Elliott, was charged before the Dronfield magistrates on Monday, with being drunk in the Cricketers' Inn, Totley Bents, on Oct. 10th, a public-house of which her husband, Frank Elliott, is the landlord. P.s. Hughes stated that on the evening named he and P.c. Williams visited his house. They found the defendant drunk, and when cautioned she commenced to use foul language and threatened them. She locked the door and refused to allow them to go out, and at last, when they wished to leave, they had to drag her away from the door and deposit her in another doorway. P.c. Williams gave corroborative evidence. The defendant stoutly denied that she was the worse for drink. Thos. Fox and John Edward Greenwood Pinder gave evidence to the effect that the defendant was not drunk but that she was "very excited". Defendant was fined 10s. and the costs.
Thursday 30 November 1905 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 4)
The Defunct Totley Social Club
Bankruptcy of the Steward
A statement of affairs had been issued by Benjamin Payne, of Greenhill, Norton. Debtor, who became bankrupt on his own petition, returns his liabilities at £179 10s., and his assets at nil. He alleges as the cause of his failure: "Loss on valuation Totley Social Club, also result of actions against him for goods supplied to that club."
Commenting on the statement, the Official Receiver observes: - "The bankrupt went into the Totley Social Club about two years ago, paying a valuation of about £140 to the outgoing steward. To enable him to pay this amount he borrowed the money from his wife. He was described as the steward of the club at 30s. a week. The debtor was tenant of the place, paying a rental of $45 a year, and in order to comply with the Acts of Parliament, a committee and secretary have been appointed, the latter being paid by the bankrupt for services rendered in forwarding returns up to the Registrar. Each member was supposed to pay a subscription of 1s. per quarter, but in going through the books I find that in the majority of cases those payments have not been made except for the first quarter in each year.
"In January of this year, the secretary of the club was summoned to appear before the magistrates at Eckington for not supplying returns as to members, and the magistrates then expressed the opinion that the whole thing was a fraud. About a month after this decision, the whole of the stock, fixtures etc. were sold by public auction, on instructions given by the debtor's wife, the same realising about £50, which debtor says has since been expended in household expenses.
"Previous to commencing at Totley, the bankrupt carried on business as a licensed victualler at the Fowler Street Hotel, Sheffield. The ingoing valuation was found by his wife, and when he left the outgoing valuation was paid to her.
"He has been sued by several of his creditors, which actions he defended on the ground that he was not liable, but the decision of the Court was against him, and in consequence he has had to file his petition."
Thursday 21 December 1905 Sheffield Independent (page 7) Extract
Round the Shops - Norfolk Market Hall
The fine display of cutlery on the well-ordered stalls of Mr. Thos. Glossop, cutlery manufacturer and dealer, at the top corner of the Market Hall, is worth more than passing notice. From the perfect miniature pocket-knife to the more elaborate one fitted up with some twenty or thirty blades and contrivances, or to one four feet in length, every conceivable form of knife is included in the stock. The classes are almost legion, and some degree of ingenuity would be needed to find what type was not represented in a collection valued at fully £4000. Mr. Glossop is a razor specialist of the front rank, and it is interesting to know he has just been granted patent rights for an ingenious invention known as the "Kno-kut" razor. It is provided with an electro-plated guard, which fits to the hollow-ground blade, and makes the cutting of oneself impossible, while at the same time it compels the operator to hold the razor at such an angle as ensures the best results in shaving. Unlike many inventions in this direction, there is no clumsiness added, and the merits of the new razor as a safe and effective shaving instrument are readily demonstrated. The firm enjoy high patronage, as one instance will suffice to show. For years, Mr. Victor Trumper, the Australian cricketer, has made a point of purchasing supplies from this stock when in the country, and now the whole team have followed suit. As a testimonial to the merits of the patented razor, the team has presented the firm with a large autograph group portrait of themselves. The firm are agents for Messrs. Joseph Rodgers and Sons; and they also enjoy the right to stamp the valuable old Sheffield trade mark "Venture," on their own cutlery manufactures. On an adjacent stall, Mrs. Glossop has a special Christmas display of fancy goods and dolls, not the least conspicuous novelty amongst the latter being one class with heads that almost defy destruction.
Saturday 11th August 1906 Yorkshire Telegraph and Star, Sheffield Edition (page 1)
Wanted - Domestic Servants
Girl - General. Wanted, about 17; references required. Apply, personally, Marlborough Villa, Grove rd, Totley Brook.
Monday 3rd September 1906 The Sheffield Telegraph and Star (page 5)
Killed in Totley Tunnel: Platelayer's Terrible Injuries
An inquest has been held at the Crown Inn, Totley, by the Chesterfield Coroner, touching the death of Thomas Chapman (31), platelayer, of Twentywell, Totley. He had been married about seven months. The evidence showed that Chapman was at work in Totley Tunnel on Thiursday, when an express from Sheffield to Manchester knocked him down, killing him instantly. The body was shockingly mangled. "Accidental death" was the verdict.
Tuesday 22nd January 1907 Derbyshire Courier (page 3)
At the Dronfield Petty Sessions on Monday, before Col Creswick, Dr S Rooth, and Dr H B Fletcher, John Edward Greenwood Pinder was fined 10s and costs for being drunk and disorderly at Totley on the 11th inst. - Sergt Cutts and P.c. Aves proved the case.
Tuesday 12 March 1907 Derbyshire Courier (Extract)
Parish Council
Seven nominations were received for the seven vacancies. The names were: Athol John Capron, Green Oak House, Totley, engineer; George Creswick, Totley, farmer; Walter Waller Marrison, Totley Rise, Totley, builder; Harry Revill, Moss Cottage, Totley, poultry dealer; Peter Thompson, Totley, school attendance officer; Heald Unwin, Totley, farmer; Selby Wolstenholme, Totley Rise, Totley, scythe-smith. The only alteration from the old Council is the inclusion of Mr Peter Thompason in place of Mr Knott, the latter having left the district.
Saturday 13th April 1907 Derbyshire Courier (page 7)
For a breach of the Dog Regulations at Dore on March 18th, John Edward Greenwood Pinder, carter, Totley, was fined 5s. including costs on the evidence of Sergt Cutts.
Friday 24th July 1908 The Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury (page 8)
House-Parlourmaid (capable) wanted. Good refs. - Write, stating salary and experience to Mrs. Bland-Strange, Brinkburn Grange, Dore, Derbyshire.
Saturday 15th August 1908, Yorkshire Telegraph and Star (page 6)
A "New Totley" Project
Sheffield, it would appear, is to have a Garden City in its proximity. An estate covering about 30 acres has been secured on the south side of the main road running from Sheffield to Baslow, just above Totley Rise, and this it is proposed to develop on garden city lines. Parcels of land will be let on long leases, at low rentals, and it is proposed to erect single houses at a cost of from £200 upwards, the aim of the promoters being to combine "comfort, picturesque effects and economy." "Nothing," says a preliminary prospectus, "will be erected on the land - permanently - to offend the most refined persons, and strict provisions will be made in the land leases to prevent annoyances." Trees, it is also announced, will be planted unsparingly, and many novel features introduced as work progresses. A sketch map of the proposed Garden City which accompanies the preliminary prospectus shows the proposed laying out of th estate. The projected roads have already been assigned names. These include "Park Lane," "The Strand," "The Parade," "Main Avenue," and "Sunny Vale."
Tuesday 18 August 1908 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 4)
Marrison. - August 15th, at Totley Rise, after a long and painful illness, Walter Waller Marrison, the dearly beloved husband of Kate Marrison, aged 43 years. Interment at Dore Church, Wednesday, at 3 o'clock. Friends please accept this, the only intimation.
Monday 14th September 1908 Sheffield Evening Telelgraph
Houses and Land to be Sold
Model Village, New Totley. Permanent Bungalows, simple Houses, pairs, built to order; solid rock; splendid value.
Wednesday 16 September 1908 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 1)
Totley Rise This Day (Wednesday) at 1.30.
Household Furniture and Effects, Horse, and Fruiterer's Dray. Also Dark Brown Horse, "Charlie," aged, 14-2hds., quiet, and a good worker. The property of the late Mr. Marrison.
Thursday 15 October 1908 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 11)
"Is the Razor Doomed?"
A propos the note under the above heading in our issue of Tuesday, Mr. Thomas Glossop, cutlery manufacturer and merchant, of Harmer Lane and Norfolk Market Hall, Sheffield, sends us a sample of a real Sheffield safety razor, of which he is the patentee. His safety device is certainly as ingenious as it is simple.
Thursday 26th November 1908 Sheffield Evening Telegraph (page 6)
The Totley "Garden City"
At a meeting of the Totley Parish Council, held last night, Mr. S. L. Chipling, the architect of the projected "Garden City", presented plans of a scheme for the draining and sewerage of the "Garden City" estate. He also suggested that instead of a footpath going through Back Lane, the public should have the right of way through the Central Avenue for all time, and that the avenue should always be open to the public. This was agreed to on condition that the road was kept in a good state of repair.
Wednesday 30 December 1908 Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer (Extract)
Accidents in the Slippery Streets.
At Bushey Wood, near, Sheffield, Arthur Glossop, a lad, 14 years old, was badly injured while tobogganing. He and three companions were riding down a steep gradient, when they lost control of their sledge, which dashed into some railings. One leg was broken, the bone protruding through the flesh.
Tuesday 9th February 1909 Sheffield Evening Telegraph (page 1)
To Builders. Estimates Wanted for Four sample Single Villas, one pair at New Totley, Payments on Fridays; established contractor preferred; able to cut price fine, and take orders for houses from private buyers; several waiting; 30 acres; Garden City lines. Write, See, J.R. Hudson, 4, Exchange st.
Saturday 10 April 1909 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 4)
Totley Rise
Monday , April 19th, 1909.
Builders Tootls, Materials, Etc. by order of the Trustees of the late W.W. Marrison, including Barrows, Ladders, Joiner's Bench, Lime Screen, Chains and Blocks, Full Set Drain Rods, Crosscut Saw, Masons' and Labourers' Tools etc., etc. Lady's Bicycle, in good order; Sectional Poultry House, 6 x 4; Heavy Spring Cart, suitable for a tradesman; Lee Enfield Magazine Service Rifle, nearly new; and Portion of Furniture. Full particulars next week, and on bills.
Wednesday 20th April 1910 Sheffield Evening Telegraph (page 1)
Workmen Wanted
Bricklayers, several good, Wanted. - Hudson's Estate, New Totley
Saturday 10 July 1909 Sheffield Daily Independent (page 9)
Forthcoming Pageant at Dore.
Arrangements are well in hand for the historical pageant which is to take place at Dore on the 22nd inst. The pageant, which is under the patronage of Mr. James Oakes, chairman of the Derby Education Committee, and Mr. G. H. Grindrod, H.M.I., will be held in a field beyond Avenue Farm, a place well adapted for the purpose, and as the Vicar (the Rev. Wm. R. Gibson) says, "amidst most romantic scenery at the foot of the moors." The story of the pageant will carry one back to the year 827, when the peaceful inhabitants living in the moorland of Dore, tending their cattle and ploughing their land, had alarming news brought to their simple homesteads by a way-worn traveller, a holy pilgrim. This traveller was returning from the south of England, where King Egbert, the valiant warrior, was laying low all that tried to oppose him, and was on his way northwards to bring the Northumbrians under his rule. Eanred, the King of Northumbria, summons a Parliament of his most trusty followers, thanes from all parts of his vast kingdom. There is a representative of Durham, of Berwick, of York, of Edinburgh, and in the immediate neighbourhood, from Bolsterstone and Dore. These all meet at Dore, as being the most southerly point of the kingdom, to discuss with Egbert the situation, and to offer terms of submission, and so prevent, if possible, further war and bloodshed. Nearly all the children in both the schools of Dore and Totley will take part.
Thursday 15th July 1909 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 1)
Dore and Totley Historical Pageant
The Children of Dore and Totley Schools will celebrate by a Pageant the Union of England under Egbert, which took place at Dore A.D. 827, thus bringing to a close the Heptarchy, in a Field Close To The Avenue Farm, on Thursday Afternoon, July 22nd to commence at 3.30 o'clock. Carriages may be had at Dore Station. Admission to the Field, Sixpence Each.
Saturday 17th July 1909 Sheffield Independent (page 12)
Dore and Totley Historical Pageant
The Children of Dore and Totley Schools will celebrate by a Pageant the Union of England under Egbert, which took place at Dore, A.D. 827, thus bringing to a close the Heptarchy, in a Field close to Avenue Farm, Dore, on Thursday Afternoon, July 22nd to commence at about 3.30. There will be Morris Dancing, Chorus Singing, and the Band of the Boy's Brigade. Carriages may be had at Dore Station. Admission to Field 6d; Enclosure 2s. and 1s.
Thursday 22nd July 1909 Sheffield Independent (page 1)
The Dore and Totley Historical Pageant
The Children of Dore and Totley Schools will celebrate by a Pageant the Union of England under Egbert, which took place at Dore, A.D. 827, thus bringing to a close the Heptarchy, in a Field close to Avenue Farm, Dore, THIS (THURSDAY) AFTERNOON, July 22nd to commence at about 3.30. A second performance will take place at 5.30. There will be Morris Dancing, Chorus Singing, and the Band of the Boy's Brigade. Carriages may be had at Dore Station. Admission to Field 6d; Enclosure 2s. and 1s.
Friday 23rd July 1909 Sheffield Daily Independent (page 10)
Dore Pageant
Charming Performance by Village Children
Local History Re-enacted
Pageantitis has penetrated even to the charming little villages of Dore and Totley, and yesterday the public were given an opportunity of witnessing the result. Dore, of course, has some history to boast of, for it was there in A.D. 827 that the Northumbrians offered King Ecgbert "obedience and concord," and this brought about the union of England and the termination of the Heptarchy. This important episode in English history was quite sufficient groundwork upon which to build a pageant, and it was admirably done by Mrs. Milner, of Totley House, assisted by a committee of ladies. The actors were about 250 children, of the Dore and Totley schools, and the proceeds from the two performances will assist the funds of those schools, particularly that of Dore, which at the present time is undergoing structural alterations.
The spot chosen for the performances, a field close to Avenue Farm, was an ideal one. The audience were accommodated on ground sloping steeply to the level portion of the field, which was backed with trees, forming admirable cover for the actors. The text of the play, written specially by Mrs. Milner, represents Cenlac, Thane of Dore, conversing with his daughter upon the troublous nature of the times and telling her how:-
Our poor country,
Our beloved north land,
This land of moor and hills,
And winter storms and snows,
Lies bleeding under many wounds.
A traveller enters bearing news of the advance of the conquering Egbert, and a moment later comes a summons to Cenlac to attend a Parliament under Eanred, King of Northumbria, to decide for peace or war. The Parliament is held, and though the King is counselled to submit, he tries to rouse the Thanes to resistance. The Archbishop of York then uses his influence with him on the side of peace bidding him despise earthly glories so that he may win a heavenly crown, and the King submits. Then Egbert enters with his soldiers, and demands of Eanred whether there shall be submission or war. Eanred vows obedience and submission, and lays his crown at Egbert's feet, upon which Egbert promises his protection to the country and Earnred take again his crown.
An Effective Banner
The performance commenced with the entry of the whole of the actors, headed by a Boys' Brigade band from Sheffield under Capt. Cole, and when they had reached the stage ground the choir sang "Hail smiling morn," and a patriotic song, while aloft was held a banner on which was written "True patriotism is not only love of the soil. It is love of the past; it is reverence for generations that have gone before." Though, of course, with the children there was no fine acting, the little folk did remarkably well and one noticed some decidedly good points about the performance, especially the dressing which was capital. King Egbert was quite a striking figure mounted on his cloth-decked horse, while soldiers, foresters, the Archbishop, and others added much to the picturesqueness of the scene. The articulation of the actors, particularly King Eanred, was very clear, and some of the scenes were very effectively arranged, notably that of the Parliament. In this the King, having arrived with his train, seats himself on the sylvan throne, and then the various notabilities enter, announced by the herald, and arrange themselves about the King who, however, kneels to the Archbishop. Another good scene was the entry of Egbert, his troops singing "See the conquering hero," and the submission of the King of Northumbria. During the performance there was some pretty Morris dancing by little girls and singing by the chorus, and the whole concluded with the National Anthem and a grand march past.
The committee assisting Mrs Milner were the following: Miss Crosbie, Miss Taylor, Mrs. J. Cooper, Mrs. T. Cooper, Mrs. Joseph Cooper (hon. secretary), Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Webster, Miss Webster, Mrs. Kirfoot, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Strange, Mrs. Newton Coombe, Miss Hancock, Mrs. and Miss Andrews, Mrs. Porrett, Miss Mary Cooper, Mrs. Parkes, Mrs. Foulstone, Mrs. Jackson, Miss Moss, Mrs. Armitage, Miss Porrett (treasurer) and Mr. Parsons.
Friday 30th July 1909 Belper News and Derbyshire Telephone (page 2)
Picturesque School Pageant.
Lesson To Copy
Tradition has it that far back in the dim past, the green and tranquil valley of Dore was the scene of an historic meeting. It is chronicled in in certain musty records that i the year 827, after subduing the Kingdom of the Mercians, King Egbert led an army to Dore against the Northumbrians. The northerners, however, offered submission to Egbert, who signed the treaty which put and end to the Heptarchy and united England.
The interesting episode which links Dore in such a picturesque manner with olden times was re-enacted on Thursday, in one of the sylvan dales near Dore, and not far distant from the spot known as "King's field," where it is supposed that Egbert actually received the promise of allegiance from the sturdy sons of Northumbria.
It was, in fact, a historic pageant in miniature, the actors in which were some 200 children from the Dore and Totley Schools. Remote as it is from the world, the little village of Dore has caught the pageantry fever. It is proud of its historical associations, but it was not only to remind people of these that the performance was held. A higher motive actuated the organisers and that was to make the young folks of Dore patriotic.
"True patriotism is not only love of the soil. It is love of the past, and reverence for the generations that have gone before."
These words were blazoned forth on a banner held aloft before the commencement of the performance, and they gave a deeper meaning to the spectacle that followed.
A more beautiful setting for the pageant could not be imagined. The scenes were enacted in a natural theatre, under the leafy shelter of flourishing trees, with the noble hills rising in the background. The silence of the restful little glade was on Wednesday broken by the bold notes of bugles and drums, alternating with the sweeter sounds of children's voices singing in unison, whilst its accustomed peaceful aspect was changed into a picture of colour and movement
A large crowd of spectators had taken up their position on the grassy slope overlooking the small arena by the time the gay and many-hued procession marched into the field, headed by the band of the Boys' Brigade. The children were grouped on one side of the arena, and presently their silver voices were raised in the song, "Hail, smiling morn," which was followed by the singing of "What of the Bow."
The historic episode opened with a pastoral scene which was charming in its simplicity. As the last notes of the chorus died away, a wild, picturesque figure, dressed in an animal's skin, wandered on to the grassy stage. It was Cutha, a herd man, who concealed himself behind a thicket to listen to the song of Judith, a pretty little cowherd who appeared from the shelter of the trees. Animation was introduced into the scene by the arrival of a party of green-clad foresters, who passed through cheerily singing a gay carol of the woodlands, and there was an element of fun when the sturdy Cutha engaged in a brisk duel with staffs with an uncouth serf. The joyousness and freedom of the forest glade was prettily suggested by some Morris-dancers who tripped into view waving their wreaths of flowers in the breeze.
Cenlac, the Thane of Dore, in an interview with his daughter Lady Elfrida, a picture in white, spoke sadly of troublous times, and a moment later there came a harbinger of ill in "Wilfred," a pilgrim, who warned Cenlac of the approach of Egbert.
A splendid boy, armed with shield and spear, appeared. He was a soldier who summoned Cenlac to a council called by the King of Northumbria. The scene closed with a song by Elfrida, "Britons strike home," and the chorus sang the hymn "Let all our brethren."
Extremely pretty was the scene showing the entry of King Eanred, of Northumbria, and his gorgeously attired train. The council scene was quite impressive, and the juvenile actors realised the dignity of the occasion. The King very majestically assumed his seat on a throne of huge rough stones, and received the homage of his nobles, ealdermen, and thanes, who each made a low and graceful obeisance as they passed before the throne.
"Leofric, Archbishop of York," solemnly announced a handsome young herald, and there approached from the far end of the arena a small ecclesiastical procession, with cross held aloft before the Archbishop, who was in full canonicals, and was accompanied by a retinue of sombre-gowned monks.
The King descended from his throne and knelt down to receive the blessing of the Archbishop - a picturesque scene which was enacted with true artistic perception by the young folks. While the King sat in solemn conference with his counsellors, shrill voices were heard in the woods in the distant chanting "See the conquering hero comes." A moment later there emerged from the woods a glittering cavalcade. It was a brave band of soldiery, in front of whom, sitting astride a pony with purple and silver trappings, was the bold figure of King Egbert.
A dramatic incident followed. When the invading monarch dismounted the Northumbrian King knelt before him in an attitude of submission, and laid his crown at his feet. Egbert made a magnanimous speech, and lusty shouts of "Waes hael, Bretwalda" closed the scene.
An imposing spectacle was formed as the soldiers, foresters, monks, Morris-dancers, and all the picturesque-clad actors in the pageant formed into procession and marched round the arena, the delighted spectators loudly applauding the young processionists as they passed.
The children had been admirably trained and the teachers are to be congratulated upon the fact that the performance was not marred by a single hitch. Many of the children seemed to possess some histrionic intuition, and each of them pronounced their lines with a boldness of utterance which is unusual in juveniles.
The principal characters were sustained by the following:- Harold Bishop (Egbert), Joseph William Flint (Eanred), Robert Cracknell (Leofric), Cyril Gardner (Cenlac), Noel Fletcher (Morcar), Bernard Turner (Wilfred), Fred Andrews (Cutha), Ernest Bennett (Alfred), Elsie Crookes (Lady Elfrida), Dora Hodkin (Judith), Tom Bradley (serf), Frank Flint (herald), Bernard Wolsterholme (soldier), Willis Farnsworth (Cenwolf), Frank Taylor (Siward), Clifford Whittle (Ina) and Joseph Gill (Cuthlac). The Morris-dancers were Florence Marshall, Annie Ramsell, Ethel Stratford, Dora Hodkins, Grace Johnson and Lucy Ward, and they were coached by Miss Porritt and Miss Cooper.
Mr Bone (headmaster of Dore) and Mr Wood (headmaster of Totley) received valuable assistance in the training of the children from the Misses Hodkin, Scutterfitt, Marsden, Lee, Andrews, and Crooks, members of the teaching staffs. The authoress of the words of the pageant, which were gracefully written, is Miss Milner, the daughter of Mr and Mrs W.A. Milner, who were amongst the spectators, and took a keen interest in the proceedings.
The whole of the picturesque costumes, which were quite of the period, were made by the Ladies' Committee, consisting of the following: Mrs W.A. Milner, Miss Crobie, Miss Taylor, Mrs John Cooper, Mrs Anderson, Mrs and Miss Webster, Mrs Kerfoot, Mrs W.R. Gibson, Mrs Strange, Mrs Newton Combe, Mrs Armitage, Miss Hancock, Mrs Andrews, Miss Andrews, Miss Poritt (treasurer), Miss Mary Cooper, Miss Sparkes, Mrs Foulstone, Mrs Jackson, and Miss Moss. The secretarial duties were admirably carried out by Mrs Joseph Cooper. The proceeds are to be devoted to the Dore and Totley Schools.
Monday, 24th May 1909 Yorkshire Telegraph and Star (page 8)
Sheffield's Week-end-Accidents.
Narrow Escape of Mrs. W.A. Milner
On the main road between Totley and Dore villages, rather startling scenes were witnessed on Friday afternoon. Mr. J.R. Hudson, of Bannerdale Road, went out with a horse and light Liverpool trap to overlook some building operations in progress, about half-a-mile out of Totley Rise. He left the horse, a young one, in the charge of the groom, directing him to let the animal graze. The bit was removed and, with the groom watching at its head, the horse was quiet. In a few minutes, however, something startled it, and, with the trap still attached, it started off down the road. The groom followed in a vain attempt to catch the runaway, but fell down. With a downhill course, the horse was soon going at racing speed.. It's first obstacle was a grocer's goods delivery cart, and with this it collided, but did not do much damage. Hereabouts, it managed to overturn the conveyance to which it was harnessed, and continued its career. At a distance of about a quarter a mile from the starting-place, the animal ran into telegraph pole, fell down and was secured. Mrs. W.A. Milner, of Totley Hall, afterwards said that she saw the runaway approaching at a speed which, though she has had an extensive experience with horses, she never saw equalled, and, naturally, she felt distinct;y relieved when the animal had passed without colliding with her conveyance. The horse, a blood animal, was rather badly injured, and the damage, including that to the trap (which, of course, was absolutely wrecked), will probably amount to about £50.