The performance, which was written by Sally Goldsmith, also included other well known local characters who were connected with Totley and the surrounding area between 1877 and the early 1950s. The final walk took place on a rather wet and dismal Sunday afternoon. The photo above is St George's Farm as it is today, we were privileged to see it as it isn't visible from the road and the current owners value their privacy. The earliest record that Alan, the current owner, has found is for 1802 but it may be older than that. Alan also said that originally there were three dwellings here, the main farmhouse and two labourer's cottages. It should be said that the experiment with farming was not a howling success and the experiment came to an end in 1885. This is just a record of the walk and one or two of the characters we met on the way round. There are other articles on our website which will tell you more about both John Ruskin and the experiment with farming.