In it I attempt to reassess the story of the farm. We meet a whole cranky cast of characters - Ruskin himself at his most authoritarian and patronising best; Henry Swan, his man on the ground and a cycling vegetarian artist and Quaker; vociferous and argumentative early communard Mrs Maloy; ex Chartist Joseph Sharp who prayed not to God but to the stars; international socialist journalist William Harrison Riley, showing off in town in his labourer’s hob-nailed boots; the drunken old Ruskin family gardener David Downs with his ‘flaming pitchfork barring everyone out’; the original radical sandal wearer and early gay liberationist Edward Carpenter; and trespassing ‘King of the Ramblers’ Bert Ward. I also tell, for the first time, the story of the man who with his family made a success of the farm, anti-vaccinating socialist George Pearson whose grandson Howard still runs a market garden nearby.
William Harrison Riley