Cherrytree Orphanage Admissions Book 1866-1929

Totley History Group is grateful to the Trustees of Cherrytree for permission to publish transcriptions of the Cherrytree Orphanage Admissions Book for the years 1866-1929. These records were created from photographic images taken during the rebinding of the registers in 2013.


The information recorded is mainly biographical: child's name, child's birthdate and place, child's schooling, parents' names, parents' dates of marriage and death, father's occupation. The date of admission to the orphanage and date of leaving are also recorded and the occupation to which the child was put.


Information was not always recorded at the time it happened: admissions are not in strict date order, for example. Facts are often omitted, dates estimated and, in some cases, pencil notes suggest alternatives. Information is not always recorded consistently: mothers' surnames are usually the married name but are sometimes the maiden name, for example.


Dates are recorded in a variety of ways with the day, month, and year appearing in different orders but, thankfully, the month is invariably written in full or as an alpha abbreviation: Sepr. 12/11 for example means 12th September 1911. We have transcribed dates as DD Mmm YYYY (12 Sep 1911) and where possible converted to a numeric format to enable the automatic calculation of the child's age at admission and on leaving the orphanage. These numeric date columns are missing from the PDF to save space and are hidden in the spreadsheet, but can easily be unhidden. Estimates have been made where birth, admission and leaving dates are partially recorded. 

Some further information has been omitted either because it is at the edge of the page and not always photographed and/or because it may be sensitive e.g. pecuniary circumstances, vaccinations and health, referees' names and addresses and outplacements.

Index to Cherrytree Orphanage Admissions, 1866-1929

Index to Cherrytree Orphanage Admissions 1866-1929.pdf [142 KB]

Adobe Acrobat Document

Cherrytree Orphanage Admissions Book 1866-1929
Cherrytree Admissions Book 1866-1929.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]

Cherrytree Orphanage Admissions Book 1866-1929
Cherrytree Admissions Book 1866-1929.xls
Microsoft Excel sheet [252.5 KB]

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