Barbara Spring
My mum, Barbara Spring, worked at Cherry Tree from about 1935 till she left to marry (June 1940 when she is termed 'assistant matron'). She was throughout responsible for cooking as well as other duties.
Barbara (known as 'Springie') was part of a team of four: Miss Margaret Crisp ('Crispie' - a Londoner), Miss Jemima Kay (Known as 'Kay'- a diminutive lady from Scotland) and Matron (always 'matron'- I called her matron when I was a toddler). The other women did not marry so I guess there are no relatives around to remember their involvement with Cherry Tree.
Although quite strict, Matron was a progressive and she it was who dispensed with the uniform and the children wore 'normal clothes' so they did not stand out so much. The staff where-ever they were, knitted for the children both as they were on duty as they made their way around the long corridors and dormitories, and in their sitting room in the evenings. There was an old gardener who produced fresh vegetables for the meals and there was an orchard - apples and so on for puddings and jams.
The staff was supplemented by the senior girls who stayed on for training before going into service. (They had a choice of service or nursing). Thus my mother would teach them to cook and bake, and to set tables and serve things nicely. The committee would help finding 'places' for the girls. (The committee featured in mother's tales of Cherry Tree - tales of their inspection visits, looking under the beds and tables for dust. They gave clothes and other items which were remade into useful things).
The boys went into the services, and on leave, would visit in uniform. Two boys have signed Barbara's autograph book: Kenneth Warrington who wrote out a poem (29.4.39) and George Hearson who drew a little cartoon (29.4. 39).
I have attached a picture of her setting off for her time off. I remember she said she had a half day every fortnight when she went to see her mother at Fulwood and had to be back by 10.00 p.m. walking up the dark lane in the winter. I suspect I have forgotten if she had an alternate Sunday off or something for how else did she retain a courtship with Albert Cook who was to become her husband? They met before she went to Cherry Tree.
I recall she was paid £40 per year and 'all found'.
It was a very happy time of her life and I think there was a real family community. I recall she had little hand-made note books with messages 'to Miss Spring' that the older children had made at school in handicrafts that she treasured; the Orphanage assistants really tried to give the children a home life. She recalled how cold they all were in the winter and was sad that the children got chilblains.
On a lighter side she often used to recall one small boy who one summer came into the kitchen from the garden: 'Miss Ssspwing - I've got tummy ache - I've been eating ubarb. At home, years later as kids we always called it ubarb!
Someone may have more details of Cherry Tree - it would be lovely to trace the children; those from Barbara's time will be in their 80s.
Best wishes
Val Brodie
February 2015