Alphabetical Name Indexes of People Who Lived in Dore & Totley

These alphabetical name indexes covers all the people in the local Censuses on this website: the Totley and Dore Censuses from 1841 to 1911 and the Totley Rise (Bradway) Censuses from 1891 to 1911. 


The indexxes shows the surname, forenames or initials, title (for married women only), gender, approximate year of birth (bc. = born circa), and place of birth. An occupation or status is shown if it has been recorded. Following that, within square brackets, are the date and name of the Census and the record number in the accompanying PDF or XLS Census file.


There are some words of warning about the data from the earliest Census in 1841. It does not record marital status so we cannot tell whether a woman's surname is her maiden name or her married name. The Census does not record place of birth, merely whether the individual was born in the same county (Derbyshire) or elsewhere. Age is recorded in the Census in 5 year bands for those over 14 and we have used the midpoint of the band for the purpose of this index.


There is also a separate index of Census Strays. These are people who were born in Totley but who subsequently appear elsewhere in the Censuses either because they were living, working or studying in another area or simply because they were away from home on Census Night. 

Census Index A-C

Census Index A-C.pdf

Adobe Acrobat Document [594kB]

Census Index D-G

Census Index D-G.pdf

Adobe Acrobat Document [552kB]

Census Index H-M

Census Index H-M.pdf

Adobe Acrobat Document [555kB]

Census Index N-S

Census Index N-S.pdf

Adobe Acrobat Document [576kB]

Census Index T-Z

Census Index T-Z.pdf

Adobe Acrobat Document [534kB]

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