Newspaper Archive: 1910s

Wednesday 2nd March 1910, Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 9)
The Roads at Dore
Wood Lodge, Abbeydale, Sheffield
March 1, 1910

Sir- Mr. Hancock says that the main roads and paths are entirely under the control of the Derbyshire County Council. I beg to state that this is not so, for during the last twelve months that in question has been in the hands of Mr. Nadin, contractor, for sewerage purposes to the Norton Rural District Council. I was surprised yesterday responsible officials did not even know of the hollow soft places on the footpath near Brinkburn, until I pointed them out. As I have only been a member of the County Council about six months, and have had no complaints, it is not fair to saddle the blame upon me. Yours faithfully, Joshua Tyzack.


Totley Rise, Feb. 28, 1910
Sir, - With reference to Mr. Hancock's recent letter re the above and more particularly the last paragraph, whilst not pretending to know the condition of "the whole of the roads," I for one, do certainly think the main road between Dore and Totley Station and Totley Rise is "a disgrace" to which ever authority has the roads under its care; and after the unanimous opinion of the residents expressed at the recent meeting in connection with the matter, one would have thought that steps would have been taken to remedy the state of affairs before now. The footpath is, if possible, worse than the road; there are, in places, some remains of prehistoric asphalt which is rapidly getting broken up, and disappearing, leaving holes which are generally full of water (or mud). One can see, any morning, a string of people walking single file from Totley Brook Road to the Station, as the only place fit to walk on is the kerbstone. I fully agree with "Resident's" remarks and hope the agitation will continue until the main road, at any rate, is made good. Yours truly, Another Resident. 


Saturday 7th May 1910 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 4)
FLORIST, SEED AND FRUIT BUSINESS for sale, with small Jobbing Gardening connections, in good position open space in front of shop, same hands 18 years, ill-health the sole and genuine reason for selling - Apply Gledhill, 150, Ecclesall Road.

Friday 27th May 1910 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 4)
First Wedding at Dore and Totley Union Church.
There was a large gathering to witness the wedding of Mr,. Willie W. Glossop eldest son of Mr Thomas Glossop, of Pattysbrooke Totley Rise, and Miss Gertrude E. England third daughter of Mr. William England, of Sommerleigh Totley Rise, the President of the United Methodist Council. The bride who was gowned in a beautiful robe of ivory silk with pearl embroideries, was given away by her father and was attended by Miss E. Mathews and Miss Connie England as bridesmaids.
The Reverend J. J. Frewing officiated assisted by the Rev. L. England brother of the bride. Mr. C. Belk Barron performed the office of best man. The gifts included a diamond and ruby ring from the bridegroom to the bride and an inlaid mahogany bedstead, the gift of the staff at Harmer Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Glossop will spend their honeymoon at the Isle of Man.


Wednesday 1st June 1910 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 9)
Weekend Camp at Totley.
It has been impossible to arrange for the holding of the Sheffield Artillery weekend camp at Redmires this season but by the kindness of Colonel Branson commanding the Hallamshire Rifles the Totley Range will be utilised for the purpose. The lst camp will be held on the weekend beginning June 24th when Major G. McDakin Clench will take up the 7th Battery other camps will be held at Totley on the four successive weekends. The work will include battery gun drill, driving drill, signalling, range finding etc.


November 1910 Sheffield Daily Telegraph

What is probably one of the most perfect little garden railways in existence is to be found at Totley, a mile or so past the recognised railway station.
It is situated in the grounds of Mr. G. S. Mitchell. of Brook House, Grove Road, and that gentleman is the designer and constructor. His garden is far from large - as country gardens go - but every advantage has been taken of what space there is, and the length of the track runs into nearly four hundred yards. Seventy odd feet of this is laid under a beautifully-built brick tunnel, which for stability would pass Board of Trade regulations. The track is laid in circular form, and winds round a pretty model lake. It is an exact facsimile, except in size, of the Midland Railway Company's line, which runs within a very short distance of the spot. There are miniature sleepers and chairs, and the gradient of the track is denoted on boards placed along the embankment. The whole railway is built to scale, and is an eighth of the size of the real thing. The points and signals are worked from a signal box, which is large enough to accommodate three or four persons.

The engine needs little description, It is an exact model of those used by the London and North-Western Railway Company for fast passenger services. It is built on the same scale as the railway, and is an eighth of the size of an ordinary locomotive. It weights about four hundredweight, and the tender is estimated to weigh another hundredweight. It is a beautiful piece of machinery, and can easily attain a speed of 15 miles an hour. When Mr. Mitchell takes a tour round his garden he drives the engine from the tender.

In the course of an interesting chat, which he had with a representative of the "Sheffield Daily Telegraph," he laughingly declared that it was rather difficult to balance when the engine was rounding the curves at twelve miles an hour. "I have had one or two spills," he said, "but nothing serious. They were due to the 'pointsman' on duty working the wrong lever."
Mr. Mitchell explained that his wife, or a friend, generally worked the points and signals whilst he drove round the grounds. The engine, he said, was capable of pulling a load of seven or eight people at a good speed.

He gave our representative a few details regarding the construction of the railway. The track, he said, took him six months to construct. Tons and tons of ashes were strewn over the grounds as a foundation for the line, and over the top were placed several loads of stone chippings. Then came the sleepers, and afterwards the line itself.

Mr. Mitchell has two engines, one of which he built entirely himself. His workshop adjoins the house, and the clever mechanic spends most of his time in the former. It was there that he divulged to our representative his latest idea for perfecting his miniature railway. He explained that the engine consumed an enormous amount of water when travelling along the track. At present the water supply is obtained from a tank in the tender. When that is used up, the journey comes to an abrupt termination.

"I intend," said Mr. Mitchell, "to overcome that difficulty by constructing a water feed along the track, and so enable the engine to pick up its own supply of water as it travels "along"

[Article Illustrated by four photographs "1. One of Mr. Mitchell's engines. 2. The signal-box. 3. Engine emerging from tunnel; some idea of the size of the engine may be gained by comparison with the driver. 4. Precious freight. Photo and Block: Leng, Ltd.]


5th November 1910 Sheffield Evening Telegraph (page 5)
A Sheffield Model Railway
The current issue of "Model Railways" contains a detailed account, with many illustrations, of Mr. Guy Mitchell's wonderfully complete model railway at Brook House, Totley. This was described and pictured in a recent issue of the "Sheffield Daily Telegraph." The model railway is nearly 1,000 feet long and is complete in every detail, and has even a tunnel 25 yards long, properly built with brick lining. Other local model railways are to be described in future issues of this interesting little magazine.


Tuesday 3rd January 1911 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 9)
Christmas Evergreens
Alleged Theft From a Holmesfield Plantation
Totley Man Accused

Upon the serious charge of stealing parts of 86 trees, value £63 10s. from a plantation belonging to Mr George Henry Crawshaw, at Holmesfield, on Dec. 22nd. John Edward Greenwood Pinder, of Totley, was committed for trial after a lengthy hearing at the Eckington Court, on Monday. The magistrates present were: Col. Butler-Bowden (in the chair), Mr H. J. Wells, Mr J. J. Hounsfield, and Mr S. Evans. Mr R Leader, barrister, prosecuted. Albert Gregory, of Holmesfield, said he was in Moorwood Lane about 7.15 a.m. on Dec. 22nd, near the plantation in which there were a number of young trees. He saw Pinder with a lad riding on an empty dray, and proceeding in the direction of the plantation.
Defendant: Did you have something given you to come and tell that lie?
Witness: I have not told a lie.
Alfred Stevenson, a farmer, deposed about a quarter to eight the same morning he saw a horse and dray standing in the lane opposite the plantation. The dray was partly loaded with young trees and firs which had been sawn off near the roots. He knew the horse very well, because it was in his charge the previous winter. It formerly belonged to Mr Crawshaw, and was sold to Pinder."I dare not have stopped," added witness, "because my horse being a young one, would not stand, or I should have gone into the plantation to see what was going off." When he got to Totley, he proceeded, he was so impressed that he made a note in his book. He afterwards went to the plantation, and found that 86 trees had been cut off. A shop assistant named Frederick Grainger Groves, who lives with the previous witness, deposed that when passing the plantation on his way to business, he saw the dray loaded with trees. Albert Stone, a lad aged 11 years, of Holmesfield, stated that he saw defendant driving in the direction of Holmesfield. A boy who was with Pinder jumped over the wall into the field which adjoins the plantation. The lad picked something up, but witness could not see what is was. He brought it to Pinder, whose dray was loaded with something covered with a green cloth. George Stone also stated he saw Pinder passing along Moorwood Lane with a horse and dray, which was loaded. The horse was going at a good speed, and when it slackened defendant hit it with the reins. Sam Creswick, farm labourer, said he noticed some green protruding from under the cloth when he passed Pinder and the dray near Green Grove House. P.s. Birchby spoke of visiting the plantation on Christmas Day and finding that a number of trees had been sawn off. He noticed a quantity of spruce lying about both sides of the wall near the place where the dray had been standing.
"At 3.30 the next day," continued the officer, "I saw Pinder and told him I had come to make some enquiries respecting some damage done in the plantation belonging to Mr Crawshaw, at Holmesfield. Defendant replied, 'I know nowt about it; I have taken no trees.'" On Dec. 30th, witness arrested Pinder, who in reply to the charge ,said," I have not stole the trees. The value of the trees taken was given at £63 10s by Thomas Jefferson, gardener, of Sheffield. Defendant on oath denied stealing the trees. He said he had a load of holly, and was taking it to Sheffield. He denied touching anything on Mr. Crawshaw's property.
"I can prove where I bought the tress that were on my dray," he added.
"Where did you get the holly from?" asked Mr Leader.
Defendant: I bought it at Millthorpe.
From whom? - I bought it from a man called Helliwell; I don't know his Christian name, and I bought some from a farm close to.
Mr Leader: When did you make these purchases? - The day before.
If you were taking it to Sheffield, who go round the Holmesfield way? - The reason I went that way was that I promised to meet a man about buying some more holly. I don't know that man's name.
Defendant was committed for trial to the Assizes, bail being allowed - himself in £20 and one surety in a like amount.


Saturday 14th January 1911 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 3)
Holly Mount, Victoria Road Stabling large garden £28.

Woodbine Cottage Victoria Road £22. 10s large garden

Totley Brook Road, Moorside empty quarter day

Solicitors Grayson, Figtree Lane, Sheffield


Saturday 25th February 1911 Nottingham Evening Post (page 6)
Plantation Despoiled.
Carter Sent to Gaol for Theft

Just before Christmas a most barefaced case of spoliation of a plantation occurred in the neighbourhood of Sheffield, no fewer than 86 small ornamental trees being cut down and carried away. The plantation is situated on Moorwood's Farm, Holmesfield, and the trees stolen, which were planted about ten years ago, were valued by the owner, Mr. G. H. Crawshaw, of Sheffield, at £63 10s. The sequel was furnished at Derby Assizes this morning, when John Edward Greenwood Pinder, 46, an illiterate carter, who lives two miles from the plantation, was indicted for the theft. Mr. H. Hole, prosecuting, described it as a particularly cruel case of damage, and suggested that prisoner's object was to sell the trees as Christmas trees and for decorative purposes. Seven witnesses were called to testify to prisoner driving to the plantation, leaving his horse and dray standing in the road near by, and subsequently go away with a load of portions of trees. It was nearly daylight when he was seen, and the suggestion of the prosecution was that he cut the trees during the night, for several hours of which dogs at neighbouring farms were continually barking. The defence advanced by Mr. Dietrichsen was that the load consisted of trees and evergreens purchased from neighbours for sale in Sheffield market where they realised £1, and that the presence of the dray outside the plantation for a considerable time was due to the fact that prisoner had left it there while he went back in search of a tarpaulin which had been blown off. Pinder was found guilty and 16 convictions for minor offences were proved against him. He had lived in the district all his life. Sentence of three months' hard labour was passed.


Saturday 4th March 1911 Derbyshire Times and Chesterfield Herald (page 3)
For Christmas Decorations
Trees Stolen From a Holmesfield Plantation.

"This is a peculiarly cruel case of damage," said Mr Hole, barrister, in outlining the case in which John Edward Greenwood Pinder (46), carter, was indicted for stealing parts of 86 growing trees from the Moorwoods Farm plantation of George Henry Crawshaw, valued at £63 10s., at Holmesfield, on December 22nd, 1910. Mr Dietrichsen defended. Counsel explained that the prosecutor was cultivating an ornamental plantation, and three days before Christmas Day 86 trees were cut down by prisoner who, he supposed, disposed of them as Christmas trees or for Christmas decoration. Mr Crawshaw, described as an independent gentleman, living in Sheffield, and Alfred Gregory, son of a Holmesfield farmer, gave evidence bearing out Counsel's story. Alfred Stevenson, of Moorwoods Farm, Holmesfield said when he was delivering milk on the morning of December 22nd he saw prisoner's horse and draw drawn up against the all outside the plantation. His suspicions were aroused because his dog and that of the neighbouring farm barked continually from ten o'clock on the night of December 21, until three o'clock the next morning. There was a cover on the dray, around which were a lot of bits off the trees. Others who said they saw the prisoner's dray near to the plantation on the morning of December 22nd were a cyclist named groves, of Moorwoods Farm, Albert Stone (aged 11), Geo. Stone, farm servant in the employ of Alfred Stevenson, and Sam Creswick. P.s. Birchby deposed that he saw prisoner on Boxing Day in respect to the damage done to the plantation and he replied: "I know now't about it; I took no trees." A woodman in the employ of the Duke of Rutland, named William Booker, spoke to seeing prisoner driving a horse and dray through Cowley Bars towards Sheffield about nine o'clock. Pieces of spruce were protruding from the dray. Prisoner, giving evidence on oath, stated that he was a dealer in hay and straw and he lived at Totley Bent[s]. On Wednesday, December 21st, he bought a "nice load" of holly, ivy, and spruce etc., from Mrs Helliwell and Mrs Thorne, of Mill Thorpe Bank. He sold the load of Christmas decorations to Mr Taylor, of Sheffield, for £1. The reason the dray was outside the plantation for some time was because he had to search for a tarpaulin which had blown off.
By Mr Hole: The reason he went through Holmesfield to Sheffield was because he arranged to meet at Cowley Pond a person whose name he did not know, about buying some berried holly.
Joseph Salt, farmer, Holmesfield, gave evidence, and W.E. Taylor, Rotherham, deposed that he bought a rough load of evergreens in Sheffield Market for a sovereign from prisoner. Evidence was also given by Mrs Helliwell, and prisoner's step-father, Clement Needham, a farmer. The Jury found prisoner guilty, and Supt. Andrew, of Eckington, stated he had been convicted 16 times for summary offences. His Lordship, in passing sentence of three months' hard labour, said prisoner had been found guilty of a very wanton act. What he believed really happened was this: Prisoner promised to take a load of evergreens to Sheffield, and as he did not get as much as he wanted from the two women he made it up out of the plantation.


Thursday 29th June 1911, Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 5)

Mr. Ebenezer Hall
Death of Abbeydale's Grand Old Man

Interesting Career
We regret to record the death, which occurred yesterday afternoon, of Mr. Ebenezer Hall J.P., of Abbeydale Park, Sheffield. Though not living in the city, Mr. Ebenezer Hall was in every sense a Sheffielder. He was one of the oldest and most highly esteemed citizens. In November last he celebrated his 90th birthday. In spite of his great age he had enjoyed good health until the last few weeks, and was out motoring quite recently. His illness took a serious turn about a week ago, and he gradually sank, passing away peacefully yesterday afternoon.

Mr. Hall married Miss Wilkinson - who survives him - whose family was closely associated with Mr. James Montgomery, Sheffield's poet. There were no children.

The interment is arranged for Saturday. Service will be held in St. John's Church, Abbeydale, at half-past eleven, and the interment will take place at the General Cemetery at one o'clock.

From Apprentice to Proprietor
The late Mr. Hall had a life-long association with the silver plating and cutlery industries in Sheffield. He entered them in the humble capacity of apprentice and worked his way ahead until he became chief of the well-known firm of Martin, Hall and Co. Limited of Shrewsbury Works. He was the son of Mr. Gilbert Hall, of Middleton by Wirksworth, Derbyshire, and was born there in the year 1820. He was educated at the school at Cromford founded by the late Mr. Peter Arkwright, of Willersley Castle.

When his master, a Mr. William Shaw, had done with him he was, unlike so many lads by no means satisfied of the completeness of his mental equipment and there is no doubt that to the private study in which he indulged may be attributed much of his success in later life

In 1836 he came to Sheffield and was apprenticed to Mr. John Roberts, silversmith. Four years later he became manager and traveller, and in the latter capacity made long journeys under conditions which the 'man on the road' nowadays knows nothing of. Eager for business he had no quicker means of locomotion to many places than the rumbling stage coach. Great success crowned his efforts as a servant and he received his reward when Mr. Roberts took him into partnership. Formerly Mr. Roberts had had his father-in-law, Mr. Henry Wilkinson, a pioneer in the silversmith's art, as his partner, but at the time Mr. Roberts rewarded Mr. Hall with a partnership he had the business in his own hands

That was in the year 1847, and the business from that time was carried on under the style of Roberts and Hall. In 1852 the partners amalgamated with the firm of Martin and Taylor of Fargate, and also about the year 1859 the late Mr. Joseph Hall, a brother of Mr. Ebenezer Hall, was admitted into the concern, which until the end of the year 1865 was known as Martin, Hall and Company. In January 1866, the business was turned into a limited company, with Mr. Bernard Wake as chairman, and Mr. Hall and Mr. Martin as managing directors.

On the death of Mr. Wake in 1891, Mr. Ebenezer Hall became the chairman of the company. He was thoroughly conversant with the technicalities of the trades carried out at Shrewsbury Works, and in designing patents and improving existing apparatus, rendered valuable service to the concern. His steam stamp, the first article of the kind used by silversmiths for the production of metal bodies, soon proved to be of great advantage. In all respects he was a capable business man and only those who have been long conversant with the way in which operations were carried out at the works in the Park know the extent to which the concern owes its success to the deceased gentleman.

Extensive Commercial Interests
Mr. Hall's business career was long and extensive. He did not retire from the active management of the firm Martin, Hall & co. until long after the age at which many other men would have thought themselves entitled to seek relief from business cares, and he was also associated with a number of other concerns. A large shareholder in the Sheffield Gas Company, he occupied a seat on the board for many years, and he was also a director of the Carlton Colliery Company. Of the Sheffield and Rotherham Joint Stock Banking Company he was for a long period chairman, but retired when the company was amalgamated with Williams Deacons Bank. Sheffield steel companies claimed a share of his interest, and he held the chairmanship of Sanderson Bros., Limited, of Samuel Newbould and Company Limited and afterwards of the combined company of Sanderson brothers and Newbould Limited.

He also found time to show a practical interest in religious and social movements. He was a magistrate for Derbyshire, one of the earliest members of the Sheffield Book Club, and for many years a familiar figure at the Sheffield Club. He also supported the work of the Charity School for Poor Girls, and was a member of its committee of management.
Residing at Abbeydale Park, the ivy-mantled mansion so often admired by people passing along the Abbeydale Road, which was formerly owned by the late Mr. John Roberts, his first and only employer, Mr. Hall watched closely all that affected the welfare of that suburb. He was a generous supporter of the Church of England, and the work which he did for it will cause his name to long held in honourable remembrance in the parish of Abbeydale. The Church in that district owed much to Mr. Hall, and to his old master, Mr. Roberts. It was the latter who built the present edifice of St. John's, and at a cost of £3,000. Mr. Hall completed the work by providing church rooms, which were opened in 1893.


Work for the Church
Mr. Hall held the office of churchwarden up to the time of his death, and his interest in the church, and all that pertained to it, was very real. As late as his 89th year, he continued to keep the accounts of the church himself, and his books were a model of neatness. Only recently he has shown his continued concern for the welfare of the church by constructing a retaining wall in the churchyard to resist the scouring effects of the river Sheaf; which had for a long time been gradually washing the land away.

His portrait, painted by Mr. J.H. Bentley hangs in the parish rooms, which he built. It was subscribed for by a number of parishioners as a mark of the appreciation of the unostentatious liberality which he again and again displayed to the district. The presentation took place on November 13, 1896, at a very large gathering of the parishioners. Although a staunch churchman Mr. Hall harboured no narrow feelings towards other religious bodies, and the geniality of his disposition, and the generosity of his heart made him one of the most popular residents of that side of the city. In acknowledging the gift of his portrait Mr. Hall said he had endeavoured to do his duty, and that he had not altogether failed was shown by the proceedings of the evening. He had always taken the deepest interest in St. John's, which he predicted would become and important centre for usefulness and good work.

His support of the church was not confined to his own parish. He gave a hall to Dore Parish Church, and recently subscribed £50 towards a new organ for the church. He also gave the land on which the Totley Wesleyan Church stands. A side of his generosity that was hardly known consisted of assistance rendered to poor clergy of whose circumstances he had become aware. There were several cases in which he was in the habit of sending £20 or £30 a year to clergy for the augmentation of their small stipends. His many acts of kindness and generosity to those who needed help in the Abbeydale district are known only to those who were the recipients of his liberality.

Mr. Hall was never a public man. Although a strong Conservative, he took no prominent part in politics, and he never sought municipal honours. He was a magistrate for Derbyshire. In his younger days he was a well-known sportsman, regularly following hounds, and enjoying a day's fishing. He was married in 1874 to Miss Wilkinson, who survives him. There is no family.


Tuesday 1 August 1911 Sheffield Daily Telegraph
The Late Mrs. Colver.
July 31, 1911

Sir, I had forgotten the list of centenarians quoted by "H.J.B" from the Sheffield Directory of 1837, and I thank him. The Directory of 1833, from which the list of 1837 seems to have been reprinted, does not give the authorities from which the statements are derived, but they may have been taken from the Parish Register, or from tombstones. I also failed to remember the case of George Wainwright, of Dore, of whom a portrait is given in Everett's "Sketches of Wesleyan Methodism in Sheffield", 1823. He is said to have been born at Bamford, near Hathersage, on the 28th of January, 1714, and to have died on the 11th of April, 1821, being of the age of 107 years. We are told he removed to Dronfield in 1739, where he lived till 1743. From thence he removed to Totley, and was married in 1744. "There," says Everett, "he spent a great part of his life; and his next remove was to Whitely Wood. While at this place the following paragraph appeared in the Iris on April 25, 1805: - We are informed that there is now living at Whitely Wood, near this town, a man called Geo. Wainwright, in the hundredth year of his age. He is a weaver, and works at his trade, is stout and hearty, and can walk faster than most young men; he is not short of breath, but (according to our correspondent) is likely to live as long again as he has done." The correspondent of the 'Iris' must have either been incorrectly informed of his age, or George must have died at the great age of 116". Everett goes on to say that a full-length portrait of Wainwright, by Schwansfelder, was taken, to be put in the Cutlers' Hall, but the subscriptions not having been paid in, the portrait remained in the the possession of Mr. Mitchell, of Broad Lane. There is evidently considerable doubt as to the exact age of George Wainwright though a reference to parish registers might settle the matter. - Yours etc. S.O.A. [Sidney Oldall Addy]


Friday 18th August 1911 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 8)
Death of Mr. J.R. Hudson, of Sheffield

The death occurred yesterday, at his residence in Bannerdale Road, of Mr. John Richard Hudson, the well known Sheffield caterer. Mr Hudson, who was 53 years of age, had been in indifferent health for some time. He was taken seriously ill a few days ago, and passed away at a quarter-past ten yesterday morning. He leaves a widow, two sons, and one daughter. Born in Scotter, in Lincolnshire, Mr. Hudson came to Sheffield when quite a young man and for several years carried on a successful provision trade. About 15 years ago he entered into the restaurant business, and at the time of his death had three large establishments, where upwards of 140 hands are employed. The late Mr. Hudson was a remarkable man, ever busy endeavouring to solve great problems. Some years ago her startled the world by announcing that he was about to patent a steamship which would attain a speed never before secured on ocean. However, this did not mature, and nothing came either of a scheme for forming a "Belle Vue" syndicate, which he initiated. He drew a plan for the reorganisation of the Sheffield Markets, and also was the author of a scheme for the providing of model homes for the people. He took no active part in politics, nut on one occasion was persuaded to come forward as a candidate for Brightside on the City Council. He was defeated, and made no further attempt to obtain municipal honours.


Tuesday 22nd August 1911 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 4)
Funeral of Mr. J.R. Hudson
The funeral of the late Mr. J.R. Hudson, the well-known proprietor of Hudson's Restaurants, Sheffield, took place at Ecclesall yesterday, the Rev. T. Houghton (Vicar) conducting the service. The mourners were the widow, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Hudson, Mrs Sheard, Mr. Harry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Cawthorne, and Mr. Cawthorne (junior). There were also present a large number of Mr. Hudson's employees in Sheffield and at Totley, including Mr. T. Britton, Miss Hobson, and Miss Middleton. Among the floral tributes were wreaths from the Sheffield staff (two), the foremen at the Garden City, Totley, and the workmen at the Garden City. 


Wednesday 3rd September 1911 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 4) Mr. Ebenezer Hall's Estate
The gross value of the estate of the late Mr. Ebenezer Hall has been declared at £194,632 18s. 3d; and the net value of the personal estate at £156,596 10s. 9d. The executors of the will are Mr. Samuel Clark Shaw Hall, of Beechcroft, Jordanhill, Glasgow, nephew of the deceased (the only surviving son of Mr. Ebenezer Hall's late brother Samuel); Mr. A. E. Maxfield, solicitor, and Mr. Arnold T. Watson, accountant. 

Thursday 23rd November 1911 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 4)
Speculation and Sickness
Sheffield Creditors' Causes of Failure

"Losses on Stock Exchange speculation" is the principal cause of failure alleged by Mr. Sydney Lawson Chipling, lately residing at Bushey Wood Road, Totley, and now at The Barn, Sutton-on-Sea, and carrying on business at Totley, as architect and contractor. From the debtor's statement of affairs, it appears that the liabilities to 27 unsecured creditors amount to £1,488 3s. 11d., and to four fully secured creditors, £2,170. The assets are estimated to produce £367 8s. 6d., and the deficiency is given at £1,122 15s. 5d. The Official Receiver's observations state that the debtor commenced business about six years ago, without any capital, and three years ago commenced building villas, under a contract upon an estate at New Totley.
Mr. John Joseph de Loughry, residing at Holmleigh, 303, Western Bank, Sheffield, estate agent, carrying on business at 420, Attercliffe Road, alleges "ill health, difficulty in disposing of property during the last two years, and loss of rent from property at Darnall," as the causes of his failure. He commenced business about 18 years ago (says the Official Receiver in his observations), with capital of between £25 and £30. "He informs me that his business consisted chiefly of disposing of property for clients on commission, but during the last two years he has been unable to transact this class of business on account of the state of the property market." The debtor has been confined to his house for some time past, and shortly after the receiving order was made he was removed to the Sheffield Royal Hospital to undergo an operation. Consequently, no statement of affairs has been lodged, but the debtor estimates his unsecured liabilities will amount to about £400, and his only assets are articles of the estimated value of £5, and book debts expected to produce £20.


Saturday 8th June 1912 The Courier (page 5)
Sales By Messrs W. Bush & Sons
Ebenezer Hall, Esq., Deceased

Valuable Freehold Farm and Building Land, Woodland and Cottage, at Totley, near Sheffield, on the main road to Baslow, to be Sold by Auction by Messrs. W. M. Bush & Sons, at The Sheffield Estate Salerooms, Church Street, Sheffield, on Tuesday June 18, 1912, at 3-30 for 4 p.m.

LOT 1. Freehold Farm known as Cannon Hall Farm, Totley, area 35a. 2r. 24p. Tenant, Mr George Creswick. Apportioned yearly rent £72.

LOT 2. Two Fields or Building Sites at Totley. Area, 1a. 3r. 10p. Tenant, Mr. Colin Thompson. Rent £6.

LOT 3. Capital Field or Building Site at Totley. Area, 6a. 1r. 6p. Tenant, Mr. G. Creswick. Apportioned yearly rent £10 10s. 0d.

LOT 4. Ten Fields with long frontages at Totley. Area, 30a. 0r. 22p. Tenant, Mr. G. Creswick. Apportioned yearly rent £37 10s. 0d.

LOT 5. Garden Plot or Building Site in Grove Road, Totley. Area 37p. Yearly rent £2.

LOT 6. Capital Field or Building Site at Totley, with long Main Road frontage. Area 14a. 1r. 31p. In hand. Estimated yearly rental £25.

LOT 7. Stone-built Cottage called Ash Cottage, Totley, with Croft. Area, 0a. 2r. 2p. Tenant, Mr. C. Holding. Yearly rent £13.

For plans, particulars, and further information, apply to the Auctioneers, Church Street, Sheffield; Messrs A. Smith, Denton & Co., Surveyors, Sheffield; Messrs Joseph Bright & Co., Estate Agents, Sheffield; or Henry & Alfred Maxfield, Solicitors, Cairns Chambers, Church Street, Sheffield.


Monday 23 September 1912 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 5)
Dore's New Church
Village Without Religious Bigotry.
Signs of Unity.

The edifice which is to replace the present Dore and Totley Union Church had an auspicious beginning on Saturday, when the foundation stone laying ceremony was of somewhat of the nature of a religious re-union. The presence of the Vicar of Dore, the Rev. W.R. Gibson, and of the Wesleyan minister, the Rev. G.H. Charnley, who both took part in the religious service, was a pleasing evidence of the cordial relations that exist amongst the churches in Dore. It was a particularly appropriate sign of unity in view of the broad theological basis of the Union Church. The new church will be a tasteful but modest structure, and is estimated to cost £1,400. Of this sum £900 had been subscribed before the stone-laying ceremony, leaving £500 to raise before the opening, which, it is expected, will take place in about six months time.

There was a large attendance at Saturday's function. Mr. J. Wycliffe Wilson presided, amongst others present being the Rev. W.R. Gibson, Vicar of Dore, the Rev G.H. Charnley, the Rev. Jasper J. Frewing, the pastor, the Rev. E. H. Titchmarsh, the Rev. W.A. Guttridge, the Rev. W. Blackshaw, the Rev. T.T. Broad, Councillor C.H. Wilson, Councillor O.C. Wilson, Mr. Talbot Wilson, Mr. E.S. Bramwell, Mr. H.S. Nutt, treasurer, Mr. W.H. Hartley, financial secretary, Mr. J.H. Parker, general secretary, Mr. T. Whitehead, Mr. T.W. Todd. Mr H.S. Nutt, in a financial statement, mentioned that the position of the church was good, and they thanked all their friends for their generous help. Their own congregation and friends had raised £600 of the £900 that was in hand, besides paying for the freehold of the site and in addition to that they raised over £200 last year for general church expenses. The Chairman congratulated the Union Church on the excellent progress they had made. He did not think many churches in the neighbourhood had had such a large proportion of the necessary money in hand or promised at the time of the stone-laying. If they succeeded in opening the chapel free from debt they would be setting a splendid example. The members of the Union Church were not only united amongst themselves, he observed, but that ceremony was an example of the unity there should be amongst all denominations. The presence of the Vicar and of Mr. Charnley showed they came there with the hearty good will of other denominations.

Not A Slum Religion.
The Rev. E.H. Titchmarsh, in a short address, said they did not challenge any scientific expert in his reading of any particular fact in the process by which life had come to be. Other scientific men might do that. But they said that the meaning and value of life was to be read not through its humble beginnings but through the spiritual things into which it had grown. They were building that church out in that beautiful suburb with everything about them to remind them of the brighter aspect of human life. There were some people who were inclined to think that while they might need a church for the slums, for the poor, broken and down-trodden men and women, for the happy people who lived in those happy surroundings there was not the same need of religion. These people considered that sin only belonged to the slums, and that the Gospel had no meaning except for rough and drunken people, and people who lived in poor homes. They were building the Union Church with a much deeper thought than that, with a profound conviction that there was nothing in comfortable villas and beautiful gardens that could really solve the fundamental problem of the human soul, nothing which could finally satisfy men. Sin was as real a thing in comfortable and respectable life as it was in the slums of our great cities, and deep down in the soul of them was something that only the Gospel of Jesus Christ could meet.

Stones were laid by the following:- Mr. E.S> Bramwell (treasurer S.C.A.), Councillor Cecil H. Wilson, the Rev. T.T. Broad (for Mr. G. Longbottom), Councillor Oliver C. Wilson (for the trustees), the Rev. W.A. Guttridge, Mr. Talbot Wilson, the Rev. Jasper J. Frewing (for the church), Mr. T.W. Todd (for the Sunday school), Mrs. Frewing (for ladies' sewing party), Mr. Arnold Liller (for the choir), Mrs. Bagshaw, Mrs. T. Glossop, Miss E.S. Nutt, Mrs. G.A. Seed, Mr. Henry S. Nutt (treasurer), Mr. Walter H. Hartley (financial secretary), and Mr. J. Hedley Parker (general secretary). A number of Sunday school children placed envelopes containing their offerings on the stone which had been laid by Mr. Todd for the school. An interesting incident was the presentation by the Rev. W. Blackshaw to the chairman of a picture of the new building. On the motion of Mr. Hartley, seconded by Mr. T. Whitehead, the chairman was cordially thanked for presiding.


Friday 6th June 1913 Yorkshire Telegraph and Star (page 5)
The Late Mr. Ebenezer Hall.
On Sunday, June 29th (St. Peter's Day), the Ven. E. F. Crosse, Archdeacon of Chesterfield, will dedicate the memorial window which Mrs. Hall is placing in St. John's Abbeydale, to the memory of the late Mr. Ebenezer Hall. The ceremony will take place at the morning service, which the Archdeacon will preach. The renovation and improvement of the chancel will also be undertaken shortly, as a fitting memorial from the congregation and friends to the life and services of the late Mr. Hall, and it is hoped that the work may be completed during the summer months. The fund now stands at £270, and it is still open for additional donations, if any friends have omitted to add their names. These testimonies to the character and generosity of the late acting-patron and benefactor of the church will add greatly to its beauty and will be a constant reminder of the close interest shown by him in all that concerned its work and welfare.

Tuesday 10 June 1913 Derby Daily Telegraph (page 2)
Town and County Gossip (extract)
The extent to which Sheffield is extending in the direction of Derbyshire is shown by the fact that several efforts have been made since the opening of the Dore and Chinley line to induce the Midland Railway Company to erect a station at Totley. The movement has lately been revived, and the promoters believe that they have good reason to anticipate a successful result. On this occasion they are receiving influential support from the military authorities who realise the advantage which a station would afford in giving quicker and more convenient access to the rifle range on Totley Moss. It is stated that a local landowner has offered to contribute a substantial sum towards the capital cost of the new station, and also that a considerable number of houses would be built near the site. While some of the residents of Totley are enthusiastically supporting the proposal, others are decidedly lukewarm because they do not relish their rural isolation being disturbed by an influx of new poulation, more especially if small houses are to be erected on adjoining land. The site for the suggested station is at the tunnel end of Totley Brook-road. The Midland directors have the matter under consideration. We understand that they have been reluctant in the past to provide the station on the ground that it would be unlikely to yield sufficient revenue to cover the initial cost of the work.


Thursday 20 November 1913 Sheffield Daily Telegraph
Historical Dore
Before a large audience, in Dore Schoolroom, last night, the Vicar (the Rev. W.R. Gibson) gave an interesting lecture on the history of Dore from the year 827 to 1913. Views of the district, taken at various periods, were shown by means of a lantern manipulated by Mr. W.H. Stubbs, Sheffield. Pictures were also exhibited of George Wainwright, who lived in Dore for 116 years; John Wesley being persecuted at Totley; and of Richard Furniss, who was schoolmaster of Dore in 1828, and who designed the present church, built in 1828.


Thursday 26 February 1914 Sheffield Daily Telegraph (page 4)
Dore Women Abstainers
The annual business meeting of the Dore and Totley branch of the Women's Total Abstinence Union was held in St. John's schoolroom, Abbeydale. The report, presented by the hon. secretary, Miss Muxlow, showed that the branch, which was formed in February 1913, had a membership of 40, and two associates. The finances were satisfactory. The officers were re-elected as follows: President, Mrs. Adamson; treasurer, Mrs. Cooper; hon. secretary, Miss Muxlow. Mrs. Plumbe was elected a vice-president, and Miss Majorie Hartley magazine secretary.


Thursday 2 April 1914 Sheffield Independent (page 3)
At a meeting of the Dore and Totley branch of the Women's Total Abstinence Union at Totley Rise, Mrs. Plumbe gave an address on indifference to the movement.


Tuesday 11th August, 1914 Derby Daily Telegraph (page 2)

There has been some discussion during the week as to the right of the military authorities to billet troops on private citizens. In some quarters the existence of such a right has been questioned, but it is clear that it is thee all the same. The Army (Annual) Act of 1909 provides that where directions have been given for embodying all or any part of the Territorial Force, the King "By Order distinctly stating that a case of emergency exists" may authorise any General or field officer commanding the forces in any military district to issue a billeting requisition. On this being done, then, in addition to keepers of victuualling houses, the occupiers of "all barns and stables " become liable to billets. In selecting the number of persons to provide billets and in determining the number to be billeted on any person, regard is to be had, so far as practicable, to the convenience of the occupiers. The prices to be paid to the keepers of a victual ling house are fixed by the Army Act, but in the case of a private occupier they are fixed by regulations made by the Army Council.
Assuming that it become necessary in Derby to billet troops on private citizens, it is estimated that two shillings would be paid for each man, which would include supper, bed, and breakfast. This of course, is in excess of the scale to innkeepers. The Chief Constable, who acts as billet master, would no doubt consult the convenience of individual householders, and do all in his power to reduce the invasion of our domestic hearths to a minimum.
After all the least we can do is to comply with the Kings regulations, and to faithfully do our best by the men who taken up arms to defend their country's cause. It is probably several centuries since a billet with full legal authority behind it, was served on a private householder in England. Billeting was an intolerable exaction in the days of the Tudors and Stuarts, and was declared illegal by the Petition of Right. When a standing army was authorised after the Revolution the right to billet was severely restricted, and even now in the absence of Embodiment, it may still be only exercised on behalf of the Territorial's on keeping of victual ling houses, generally speaking innkeepers. As showing the care with which the military authorities in our day defer to local sentiment, we have only heard of one town where the right to billet has been exercised, and that is Rochdale, where there is reported to be a scarcity of suitable public halls such as we have in Derby.


Friday 14th August 1914 Sheffield Independent (page 5)
Mr. Joshua Tyzack, of Wood Lodge, Abbeydale, is offering the use of Avenue Farm, Totley, together with its outbuildings, for a nursing home. The site is an ideal one, and the buildings are capable of accommodating about 150 beds.


Wednesday 2nd September 1914 Derby Daily Telegraph (page 2)
TO THE EDITOR - Derby Daily Telegraph
How to Create An Army in the Field and Comfort in the home.
Sir - I understand all political organisations are combining together for the purpose of getting recruits for the Army. We all realise that it is necessary for the peace of the world that German Kaiserdom and militarism should be crushed. We also know of the terrible suffering the war will entail. To relieve this suffering, to give peace of mind to the soldiers gallantly fighting, and to ensure that the 500,000 men asked for should be forthcoming, may I very humbly suggest that a proclamation by his Majesty's Government as follows would accomplish these three objects :-
His Majesty's Government have decided that during the war the pay for privates in the army, and other forces should be £1 a week clear. Of this amount not less than 10s a week will be paid to dependents of the men. Where there are no dependents this will be paid to the soldier at the conclusion of the war Non-Commissioned officers rates of pay to be proportionately increased, the new scale of pay not to interfere with the separation allowance already decided upon. His Majesty's Government also give an assurance that all who are wholly or partly incapacitated from employment owing to wounds or disease contracted during the war shall be adequately compensated and dependents of soldiers who are killed or die from disease during the war will also be fully compensated. The compensation to be paid to be on similar lines to those followed in the Workmen's Compensation Act".
If the Government would take a bold step and do this immediately the whole country would be behind them, knowing that it would be money well spent and well earned, and that Germany will eventually have to foot the bill. Faithfully
Charles F. White
Woodside, Matlock Bath Sept. lst 1914


Sunday 24 September 1914 Sheffield Daily Telegraph [Extract]
There has been quite an epidemic of motor-car fatalities in Sheffield lately. Yesterday two more vases were inquired into by the City and District Deputy Coroner (Mr.J.J. Baldwin Young) and a jury at the Coroner's Court, and in both instances verdicts of "accidental death" were returned. The first case related to a little girl named Dora Mary Chapman, aged 7, daughter of William Chapman, a platelayer, of Lemont Road, Greenoak, Totley, who was knocked down by a motor-car owned and driven by Mr. James Stuart Andrew, of the Hall, Greenhill, on Abbeydale Road, on September 13th, when returning from Sunday School, succumbing to her injuries on Tuesday. Mr. F.W., Scorah appeared for the driver of the car. James Stuart Andrew, the owner of the car, said he was driving along Abbeydale Road, away from Sheffield, on September 13th and when he was approaching St. John's Church he noticed a lot of children in the road. He sounded his hooter, and the children divided, one lot going on one side of the road, and the remainder on the other. As he got nearer he slowed down, when suddenly the child ran across the road, hesitated a few moments and then ran back, and the splashboard caught her side, knocking her down. He took her in the car to Dr. Parsons and then removed her home. He was going about ten miles an hour at the time. Tom Sharp, jun., of 57 Howard Road, who was a passenger in the car, and George Wood of 443 Shoreham Street, who was riding a motor cycle behind at the time, corroborated. Medical evidence showed that the death was due to meningitis, due to the fracture of the base of the skull. 


Thursday 29 October 1914 Sheffield Daily Telegraph
New Companies
Bushey Wood Bowling Club, Ltd. (138,093) - This company has just been registered with a capital of £1,000 in £1 shares, to take over certain land at Bushey Wood, Dore, Derby, and to carry on a bowling club. The subscribers are: T. Glossop, Pattysbrooke, Bushey Wood, near Sheffield, cutlery manufacturer (10 shares); H.S. Nutt, Lynwood, Bushey Wood, coal merchant (10). Private company. The number of directors is not to be less than three nor more than nine; the first are T. Glossop, H.S. Nutt, B. Ranns, S. Seager and C.S. Binns. Qualification £5. Registered Office: Lynwood, Brinburn [Brinkburn] Vale Road, Bushey Wood, near Sheffield.


Saturday 15th May 1915, Sheffield Evening Telegraph (page 4)
The Much-Split Totley
Totley is a scattered, aggressive parish, we are told in "More Rambles Round Sheffield," which adds: "It has no church, and no centre such as Dore has. It is split up into Totley, Totley Bents, Totley Brook, New Totley and Totley Rise; and now a new hamlet is being spatchcocked into the parish between Totley and Totley Rise with the name of Heatherfield." But it has become one of the most popular centres for country rambles, thanks to the Corporation motor-'buses. It is also providing architectural ideas in villas. The Ramble Book says in Totley Brook Road "some of our young Sheffield architects have been letting themselves go with much novelty of design." Details and maps of many motor-'bus rambles from Totley, and in Don Valley, as well as over Redmires way, are given in the Ramble Book.


Saturday 4th September 1915 Sheffield Independent (page 2)
Preliminary Advertisement
Freehold Villas
Grove Road, Totley

To be Sold by Auction by Messrs W.H. & J. A. Eadon at their Saleroom, St. James' street, Sheffield, on Tuesday, the 21st day of September, 1915, at 4.30 p.m., subject to Conditions:

Horton Villa, Grove road, Totley. Freehold Semi-detached Villa in the occupation of Mr. W. Alexander at an annual rent of £30.

Glenroyd, Grove road, Totley. Freehold Semi-detached Villa in the occupation of Mr. E. J. Johnson, at an annual rent of £30.

Freehold Semi-detached Villa, Grove road, Totley, occupied by Mr Wm. Ibbotson, at an annual rent of £38, being one of a pair known as Dalston Villas.

Freehold Semi-detached Villa, Grove road, Totley, occupied by Mr. Ernest Parkin at an annual rent of £28, being the other house of the pair known as Dalston Villas.

The Houses are within easy reach of Dore and Totley Station and close to, though not on, the Corporation Motor 'bus route. The houses contain the usual modern conveniences, have charming gardens, and are within easy reach of the amenities of the city whilst outside the city boundary. Arrangements could be mde by which a considerable proportion of the purchase money may be left on mortgage. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers, to Mr. James Morrison, Estate Agent, Figtree lane, Sheffield, or Bingley & Dyson, Solicitors, 3 Meetinghouse lane, Sheffield.               


Tuesday 21st September 1915 The Sheffield Daily Independent (page 2)
Freehold Villas
Grove Road, Totley

To be Sold by Auction, by W.K. and J. A. Eadon, at their Saleroom, St. James' row, Sheffield, This Day (Tuesday), September 21st, 1915, at 4.30 p.m. precisely, subject to Conditions of Sale:-

LOT 1. Semi-detached Villa (Stone built and Double Fronted), with pleasant front and back Gardens and Conveniences, called Horton Villa, Grove road, Totley, in the occupation of Mr. W. Alexander, at an annual rental of £30. The Freehold site contains 436 square yards or thereabouts.

LOT 2. A similar Villa called Genroyd, Grove road, adjoining Lot 1, in the occupation of Mr. E. J. Johnson, at an annual rental of £30. The Freehold site contains 557 square yards or thereabouts.
Each house in Lots 1 and 2 consists entrance hall, bay windowed Dining Room, Drawing Room, Kitchen, three Bedrooms (one with bay window), bathroom and w.c., attic and cellars, and has an outside wash-house.

LOT 3. Semi-detached Villa (Stone built) with pleasant front and back Gardens, one (the nearer to Abbeydale road) of a pair known as Dalston Villas, Grove road, Totley, with stone-built Coach-house suitable for motor house. Lot 3 is in the occupation of Mr William Ibbotson at an annual rental of £28. The Freehold site contains 519 square yards or thereabouts.

LOT 4. A Similar Villa in Grove road afore said (the other house of the pair called Dalston Villas), with large wooden building suitable for Motor House. Lot 4 is in the occupation of Mr. Ernest Parkin, at an annual rent of £28. The Freehold site contains 590 square yards or thereabouts.
Each house in Lots 3 and 4 contains entrance hall, bay-windowed dining room, drawing-room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, large boxroom with window (in lot 3 used as an extra bedroom), bathroom and w.c., and cellars.

The above properties are charmingly situated within easy walking distance of Dore and Totley Station and close to the Corporation omnibus route connecting with the Millhouses tramways, thus enjoying the amenities of the city though outside the city boundary. All are well built, in good repair, fitted with modern conveniences, and are most eligible residential investments. A considerable proportion of the purchase money may be left on mortgage by arrangement. For further particulars, and cards to view apply to the Auctioneers; to Mr. James Morrison, Estate Agent, Figtree lane; or to Bingley & Dyson, Solicitors, 2 Meetinghouse lane, Sheffield. 


Wednesday 22nd September 1915 Sheffield Daily Independent (page 6)
Sheffield Property Market
Messrs. W. H. and J. A. Eadon yesterday sold four lots of property at their saleroom, St. James' street, Sheffield, satisfactory prices being realised. A semi-detached villa, Horton Villa, Grove road, Totley, which is freehold, and produces and annual rent of £30, was sold for £455. A similar house, Glenroyd, adjoining lot 1, and producing the same rent, realised £450. The semi-detached villas forming a pair known as Dalston Villas, Grove road, Totley, and producing rents of £28 each per year sold for £455 and £460. Messrs. Bingley and Dyson were the solicitors. 


Saturday 20 November 1915 Sheffield Daily Telegraph
Norwood House School, Totley Rise, Derbyshire (Est 1888).- Owing to increase in Pupils, above School will be carried on at Totley Brook Hall. Boarders will, as usual, reside at Norwood House. Principals: Misses Crossland.


Thursday 11 May 1916 Sheffield Daily Telegraph
Wedding at Totley Rise

An interesting wedding took place at the Totley Rise Wesleyan Church, Sheffield, yesterday afternoon, when Mr. Ernest Elliott was married to Miss Lily Tyson. The Rev. Benjamin Weaver, superintendent minister of the Brunswick Wesleyan Circuit, officiated. The bride and bridegroom and well-known in the neighbourhood and a large congregation of friends assembled in the church for the ceremony.


Thursday, 28th March 1918 Sheffield Evening Telegraph
MITCHELL. - On March 27th inst. at Brook House, Totley Rise, Guy Samuel, the dearly beloved husband of Lilian E. Mitchell, and only son of the late Dr. Mitchell, of Sharrow, aged 35.


Monday 1st April 1918 Sheffield Independent (page 3)
Mr. G. S. Mitchell
Funeral of Designer of Unique Miniature Railway

The funeral took place at Dore, on Saturday, of Mr. Guy Samuel Mitchell, who died at his residence, Brook House, Totley in his 36th year. A service was held at St. John's Church, Abbeydale, where deceased had held office as people's warden for the past six years. The Rev. J. A. Kerfoot, Vicar, officiated, and the organist (Mr. Wostenholm) played the Dead March and "O Rest in the Lord." Many beautiful floral tributes were sent by relatives and friends. Mr. Mitchell, who was the only son of the late Dr. Mitchell, of Sheffield, served an apprenticeship to engineering, and although owing to indifferent health he relinquished his connection with this, he never lost touch with model engineering and mechanics. In the grounds of Brook House is a miniature railway with its full complement of switches, points, signals and signal box, a 75-feet tunnel, station and platform, and engines sufficiently powerful to draw half-a-dozen passengers many times over the 200 yards' track. This model railway is, perhaps, the finest of its kind in Great Britain, and the whole was designed and built by Mr. Mitchell. Deceased had carried out the duties of secretary to the Totley Brook Estate. He was an enthusiastic spelaeologist and cave photographer, and accompanied Mr. J. W. Puttrell, the well-known Sheffield climber, on several underground expeditions, including the caves of the Peak and those of Mitchelstown, Tipperary. He was an original member of the Derbyshire Pennine Club, and vice-president of the Yorkshire Spelaeological Association. Latterly, he had been an ardent follower of Isaak Walton, and last September, whilst in the Lake district, he hooked the largest pike ever known to have been taken from the waters of Windermere. It measured 41 inches long and 19 broad, and weighed over 20 pounds. Mr. Mitchell leaves a widow and four young children. Messrs. Cole Bros. carried out the funeral arrangements. 


Saturday 2nd August 1919 Sheffield Daily Independent (page 4)
HALL. - On July 30th, at Llandudno, Sarah, widow of Ebenezer Hall, of Abbeydale Park, Dore, Sheffield, in her 85th year. Funeral service at St. John's Church, Abbeydale, tomorrow (Saturday), the 2nd inst. , at 11 o'clock. Internment at the General Cemetery, Sheffield, about 12.30. A few carriages will leave Messrs. Cole Brothers, Fargate, at 10 o'clock prompt, to convey relatives wishing to attend the service at St. John's.


Monday 4th August 1919 The Sheffield Daily Independent (page 3)
Loss to Charities
Death of Well-Known Sheffield Benefactress

Sheffield charitable organisations have sustained a great loss in the death of Mrs. Hall, wife of the late Mr. Ebenezer Hall, of Abbeydale Park, Dore, who was buried at the Sheffield General Cemetery on Saturday. Mrs. Hall was of a very benevolent disposition and contributed extensively to the many Sheffield charities during her life. The funeral, which was conducted by Rev. J. A. Kerfoot, B.A., vicar of St. John's, Abbeydale, and Rev. E. W. Green, M.A., was attended by numerous relatives as well as representatives of various Sheffield charitable organisations. The matron and children of the Cherrytree Orphanage, in which Mrs. Hall took great personal interest, also attended the funeral. Messrs. Cole Bros. had charge of the funeral arrangements.


Saturday 8th November 1919 Sheffield Daily Independent (page 2)
Sales by Messrs Bush & Co. F.A.J.
Amended Date of Sale

Preliminary Notice. Monday November 24 (instead of 17th) and Following Days, Abbeydale Park, Totley, Near Sheffield. Ebenezer Hall, Esq., Deceased. Messrs. Bush and Co. respectfully give notice that They Are Instructed by the Trustees to Sell by Auction at an early date the Contents of the Mansion, comprising: Superior Cabinet Furniture, Grand Piano by Steinway, Valuable Works of Art, Important Collection of Valuable Pictures and Water-Colour Drawings, Superior Plated Goods, Sterling Silver, Valuable China, Outdoor Effects, Etc. Full Particulars in Due Course. Catalogues (1s. each) in Preparation. Bush & Co., Auctioneers, Sheffield. 


Saturday 8th November 1919 Sheffield Daily Independent (page 2)
Sales by Messrs Bush & Co. F.A.J.
Amended Date of Sale

Tuesday, November 18, at 3.30. Ebenezer Hall, Esq., Deceased. Important Sale of the Freehold Estate known as Abbeydale Park, Dore, near Sheffield. Consisting of about eighty acres including the delightfully situated Freehold Residence known as Abbeydale Park, with charmingly laid out garden ground, Richard Park Land and Ripe Building Sites, having important frontages to Main Roads, lately in the occupation of the deceased and his widow. With Vacant Possession. Messrs. Bush and Co. respectfully give notice that they are instructed by the Trustees to Sell by Auction, at the Auction Mart, Church St., Sheffield on Tuesday, November 18, 1919. (and Not 11th, as previously advertised), At 3.30 for 4 p.m., subject to Conditions of Sale:-

LOT 1 - Abbeydale Park. This delightfully situated and imposing stone-built residence with tower, known as Abbeydale Park, Abbeydale road, Dore, being a country suburb of Sheffield within 10 miles of Chatsworth. The Residence contains Entrance Hall; A Noble Dining Room, 37ft. x 16ft. with recess window fitted with four coloured leaded glass panels; A Fine Drawing Room, with large Bay Window, 30ft. x 25ft.; Morning Room, 17ft. x 14ft. 9; Library, 19ft. x 17ft. 6; Study with Mahogany Panelling, 13ft. 10 x 12ft.; Six Principal Bedrooms (one 37ft. 6 x 16ft.); Two Dressing Rooms; Tower Room, used as Study; Large Bath Room; Two Separate w.c.s; Back Landing, with Store Closets, Linen Room with Hot Water Cylinder, with Ewart's Gas Radion Circulator; Four Servants' Bedrooms and Servants' Staircase; Large Kitchen, Back wall fitted with range of excellent Cupboards, Butler's Pantry, well-fitted with range of excellent cupboards, Larders and Capital Cellars. The Excellent Outbuildings comprise Stabling, Loose Box, with Chamber Over, Large Carriage House or Garage, with warming apparatus, Glass Roof Washing Shed, Dairy, Coal Houses, Laundry, Coachman's Cottage (formerly two Cottages), Fruit Room, Cattle Shed (in the Park) with Chamber over, and Stock Yard with spring of water. Handsome Range of Greenhouses, Vineries, Peach House, Etc. The Grounds are tastefully laid out with sloping Grass Lawns, intersected with Flower Beds and Ornamental Shrubs, Ornamental Fish Pond, surrounded with wall having stone copings, Prolific Kitchen Garden Ground, well planted with Fruit Trees; also with Beautiful Park Land, belted with Fine Forest Trees, together with the Stone-built Entrance Lodge, situate at the Abbeydale Road Carriage Entrance. The Whole containing 13 acres 2r. 31p. or thereabouts. Certain Fixtures are reserved. This Lot, with Lots 2 and 3 will first be offered together in one lot and if not sold then offered as described. This is a unique opportunity for anyone desirous of acquiring a freehold estate with vacant possession, situate in beautiful country and yet within easy access to the city of Sheffield, by a splendid main road, also within a few minutes of Dore Station, Midland Railway.

LOT 2. Abbeydale Road. A Splendid Freehold Building Site. on the N.E. side of Lot 1, with long and important frontages to Abbeydale road and Water lane, together with Excellent Range of Stone-built Farm Buildings, consisting of Cowhouses for 15 beasts, Hay Chamber, Fodderam, Engine House with Gas Engine, Stabling, Loose Box, Fowl House, Piggeries, Cattle Shed for about 11 young beasts, nd Enclosed Yards. Also capital Cart Shed, Stack Yard, and Lambing Shed. Area 21a. 0r. 22p., or thereabouts.

LOT 3. Abbeydale Road. A Freehold Field on the S.W. side of Lot 1, with long and important frontages to Abbeydale road, containing 11a. 1r. 12p., or thereabouts.

LOT 4. Dore Road. A Freehold Field, with long and important frontages to Dore road and Water lane, situated on the N.E. side of Lot 2, containing 3a. 3r. 29p. , or thereabouts. 

LOT 5. Dore Road. A Freehold Field, adjoining Lot 4, with long and important frontages to Dore road and Water lane, containing 6a. 0r. 16p. , or thereabouts.

LOTS 6, 7 and 8. Ashfurlong (Sold)

LOT 9. Abbeydale Road. An important Corner Plot of Freehold Land, situate at the junction of Abbeydale road and Twentywell lane, close to Dore Station, Area, 1 rood 21 perches or thereabouts.

LOT 10. Twentywell Lane. A Freehold Field with frontage to Twentywell lane, and divided in the rear from Lot 9 by the River Sheaf. Area, 2 acres 0 rood 3 perches, or thereabouts.

LOT 11. Abbeydale Road. A Freehold Field, with long and important frontage to Abbeydale road (on the S.W. side of the grounds of St. John's Church), with the Clump of Forest Trees, including half of the River Sheaf where it abuts on this Lot. Area, 2 acres 1r. 24p. or thereabouts.

LOT 12. Abbeydale Road. The Freehold Field and Retired Ornamental Garden Ground (adjoining Lot 11) with the Yew Tree Avenue and Well-planted Shrubs and Forest Trees, having a long and important frontage to Abbeydale road, and intersected by the River Sheaf. Area, 5 acres 3r. 30p., or thereabouts

LOT 13. The Freehold Land situate on the S. East side of the Midland Railway, with the private occupation road leading from Abbeydale road over the Midland Railway Bridge. Area, 7 acres 1r. 0p., or thereabouts.

LOT 14. Abbeydale Road. The Freehold Field, with long frontage to Abbeydale road, and extending back to the Midland Railway and Oldhay Brook. Area, 1 acre 2r. 10p., or thereabouts.

LOT 15. Abbeydale Road. The Freehold Field, with long frontage to Abbeydale road and extending back to Oldhay Brook. Area, 2 acres 4r. 32p., or thereabouts.

Printed particulars and plans are in preparation and TO View by order only which may be had on application to the Auctioneers, Church street, Sheffield; Messrs. A. Smith, Denton and Co., Surveyors, Hartshead, Sheffield; or to Messrs. Henry & Alfred Manfield, Solicitors, Cairns Chambers, Church street, Sheffield. 

Tuesday 25th November 1919 The Sheffield Daily Independent (page 3)
Run On Silver-ware
Good Prices Realised at the Abbeydale Park Sale

Silver-ware fetched very good prices at a sale conducted by Messrs. Bush & Co., Sheffield, at Abbeydale Park, Dore, yesterday. An engraved salver, 11in. diameter, made 8 guineas, a pair of chased sauce boats, 6½ guineas, and an oval pierced bread dish £10. A Queen Anne pattern two-handled tea urn, 14in. high, with engraved coat-of-arms, realised 14 guineas, and a similar price was paid for a hot-water jug engraved with panels. Among other goods sold were an Italian Renaissance clock, for which 17 guineas was paid, a Viennese plaque 16 guineas ewer and plaque, Limoges enamels, 35 guineas, pair of Sevres china vases and covers 16 guineas, two blue-and-white plaques 9in. by 6½in. 28 guineas, pair of Sevres vases 26in. high 20 guineas, and five miniature portraits on ivory 20 guineas.


Thursday 27th November 1919 Sheffield Daily Independent (page 2)
Sales by Bush and Co.
This Day (Thursday) & Following Days

Nov. 27 and 28, and Dec. 1 and 4 at 11 a.m. each day. Abbeydale Park, Dore, Near Sheffield. Ebenezer Hall Esq., J.P., Deceased. Important Seven Day's Sale of the Contents of the Mansion, at Abbeydale Park. Fourth Day's Sale This Day. Principal Bedrooms (Lots 922 to 1,143). Fifth Day's Sale To-morrow, Kitchens, Etc. (Lots 1,144 to 1,293). Linen and Blankets (Lots 1,326 to 1,388). Sixth Day's Sale, Monday, December 1. Carriage House Etc. (Lots 1,389 to 1,485). The Gardens (Lots 1,486 to 1,566). At the Auction Mart, Church Street. Seventh Day's Sale, Thursday, December 4. Important Collection of Valuable Pictures, Etc. Catalogues 1s. each, by Post 1s. 6d. Eighth Day's Sale, Wednesday, December 17th. At Abbeydale Park, Dore. Live and Dead Farming Stock. Catalogues in Preparation. N.B. The Mansion is within a few minutes of Dore Station, Midland Railway, and the Sheffield Corporation Motor 'Bus from Millhouses Tram Terminus passes the gates. Bush & Co. Auctioneers' Offices: Church Street. Telegrams: Bush, Auctioneers, Sheffield. 'Phone 234 Central.

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